They said she was litterbox trained???

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Lori L

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
But when I let her out of the cage (which isalot) she makes everywhere. My son was snuggling with her onthe bed and she pooped everywhere. Is there a step by stepway to ensure she makes in her litterbox? Could she bemarking her territory since she just got here yesterday? She is spayedand I was told she is good with her litterbox. Currently Ionly have 1 litterbox in her cage. I just read through thelitterbox training techniques but would love to hear first hand howsome of you did it and if this is normal since she is new to our house.
She might just be marking her territory, also,if she's just pooping, but peeing in her box, that definately counts aslitterbox trained. It seems that the poops aren't quite asunder control ;). But consider ourself lucky if she's onlypeeing in the box, not out. Luckily the poops are easy topick up. :bunnydance:
Yes, I would have to agree, that it's mostlymarking territory...spreading her smell around the house, so tospeak. My buns are both littertrained with pee, and latelyhave been exclusively pooping in the litterboxes, too. Butwhen they each came home, they pooped CONSTANTLY when outside thecage! :)

I think it's New Bunny Poo Syndrome...hehe!! :D

Dont worry Lori. It will stop! I even questionedSweetBinks- did they just say their litterbox trained? or are they not?I emailed SweetBinks and they said "they are just marking theirterritory. Cut back on the amount of free range. One room is like ahouse to them. Consider their size" We give Tina & Turbo freerange 1hr in the morning and about 3hrs at night. Only in theliving/dining rooms, stairs to 2nd floor and upstairs hallway. When wefirst adopted we did have little balls of turd everywhere! That hasstopped considerably - we do have occasional poops but nothing likewhen we first brought them home.
Hi Lori. Every time I look at her picture i still think she's sticking her tongue out she's just so cute.

We have 4 bunnies, and many litter boxes, two of our babies have theirown bedroom and have three litter boxes in the room. DaisyMae has one in her cage and one in the hallway for when she's outplaying and Buttercup also has 2 in the family room. But evenwith the litter boxes we have little poo poo's on the floor (not alwaysthough).

When Jackie & Wilbur are eating their hay from the dish their'salways a little pile left behind, we ended up putting anemptybowl that they sit in while eat the hay. It'sreally quite cute to see them in the bowl, I really should try to get apicture of that.

