I actually just disassembled one of the boxesthat I used when I moved and put the cardboard in between the twocages. Oswald seems fine when he can't see Hoppity. I'm going to removethe cardboard for a while each day slowly increasing the time they areexposed to eachother.
When one is out in the bedroom the other will be out in the bunny pen downstairs. I'll keep this up until after Oswald's neuter.
Hoppity is still a bit shy, but he seems curious about things. He'sVERY calm. So far he's mostly been sitting quietly in his litter boxobserving things. He really doesn't seem to mind Oswald at all.
I did see Lola. She's a new arrival. I think they said she came in Monday? She seemed very sweet.
The Animal Rscue League has such a nice area for their rabbits. Theyhave a whole room to themselves unstairs near all the administrativeoffices, away from all of the noise of the dogs and cats. They are eachkept in a nice sized cage and they each get let out to run for at leaston hour every day. I'm planning to volunteer there after I get used tomy new class schedule.
Also, my boyfriend named the huge rabbit enclosure the USS Rabbitprise. He wants to change Hoppity's name to Warf . . . *sigh*