The Ups and Downs of Bunnysitting

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Jul 9, 2004
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
My ex boss called the other day and asked if I could bunny sit while he and his family went on holiday to Mexico. Like I needed to be asked twice!!! So, on Friday, they arrived with Thumper, a beautiful, not-sure-what-breed, fixed doe. She is an outdoor bun, which works well as my two are house buns with access to the garden.

So, she was having a bit explore of the garden before she went into the hutch. Pernod and Perry were inside - at least, they were! Pernod suddenly comes charging through the catflap, to see a new bunny on the grass. Before I could pick Thumper up, Pernod was there. They sniffed each other, Pernod humped Thumper's head and Thumper lay submissive. Hmmm, thinks me, not a bad start. Then Pernod starts to grumble and chase Thumper, so I quickly pick Pernod up and OUCH!!! she sinks her teeth into my finger, almost to the bone. I carried her inside, with blood spurting all over Pernod, my clothes, shoes, the garden, the kitchen, then the bathroom, while i try to clean my finger. It took one and a half hours to stop the blood spurting, and I managed to get a dressing on, before starting work at 1pm.

It still bleeds and is quite swollen, but what hurts most is that Pernod wanted nothing to do with me all day, after seeing me with another bunny :(. I am just relieved that it was me that got bit and not Thumper (who, BTW, is an absolute doll). Needless to say, they won't be having any more meetings. I will post pics of Thumper later on!

OK, got some pictures :). This is Thumper - is anyone knows what breed she may be, please let me know. She has the head shape of a Rex, and also the lighter colour around her eyes and a light coloured tummy but her fur isn't the same texture. She also has a wonderful dewlap :). She has a lovely nature, and likes a good pet.





Oh! Your poor finger...a bunny bite really does hurt, and that one sounds nasty. :( Keep a close eye on it for any signs of infection, and I agree with Jordiwes, it could possibly need a stitch or two, esp. if it is still bleeding.

Thumper is quite a beautiful bunny! :) She reminds me of one of my first rabbits - also a Thumper. She also reminds me a bit of my Anna (except perhaps a bit longer in the body). And she looks right at home in your yard! Afraid I can't offer much in the way of suggesting what breed(s) she might have in her, but thanks for sharing the pics...and I hope your finger heals quickly!

hi jan

qhat a gworgeous bunny

she looks like to me like a belgiun hare could be wrong though

hope your finger settles soon

im looking after smartie the hamster in august sometime i think

varna xxxx
It can happen so fast. Hope it heals fast.

How long do you get to keep Thumper? Will she stay outside all the time?
So far, nobody asked me to bunny sit this year. Maybe I'll have to kidnap a few. :shhhh

I don't know the breed, butshe does have the same Chestnut Agouti Color as Pebbles.

Rainbows! :D
Well, Thumper has been here over a week, and I have to say, I am in love with this girl :). Her nails were very long (have to have words with my ex boss about that!) so I clipped them. And she just sat there and let me :shock:. Pernod an Perry hate it, but Thumper just let me take her little toes and do each one :). She also lets me pick her up and cuddle her with no struggles.

Unfortunately, Pernod and Perry don't get on with her at all!! They only met one more time, and there was a mad chase around the garden - no biting or anything, but 3 very tired bunnies.

My finger is healing nicely, thanks! Fortunately, it didn't need stitches. Pet-Bunny - her coat is a very similar colouring to Pebbles. She is outside all the time, and we let her out several times a day, when my two are safely inside, and she loves exploring. She is here until next Sunday, and I really don't want her to go :(.


Im in love! She is just too beautiful. It will be hard for you to part with her, wont it. Thats one hard thing about bunny sitting or just fall in love with them and want them to stay!

Give her a little kiss on that pretty face for me!

Ohhh Thumper is just an adorable little girl,i hope you are going to be able to part with her when it is time for her to go home,if that was me they would have to try topull her from my grasp lol.

Aww sorry about your finger but i'm sure Pernod didn't mean it,she loves her mummy


isn't she gorgeous though?

I know it's hard to return them when they are to go home. But there is next time!
Last time Pebbles was upset when Cocoa went home. It was a rare time Pebbles thumpedafter Cocoa was gone.
I just got word that Cocoa is going to stay with us at the end of August. :bunnydance: I don't know exactly when and for how long yet. ;)

Rainbows! :)
Well, Thumper has gone home :(. When my boss rang and said they were back and would come and pick her up, I asked if they really, really wanted her back, and said she was welcome to stay. It didn't work. However, when I saw his 14 year old son make such a fuss of her, I knew she was well loved.

They are going to fully bunny proof their garden, so Thumper can have more time out to play and explore. One thing she suprised us all with, and that is her ability to climb trees :shock:. She often sat in a tree in our garden, a few feet off the ground, on a large branch :?.

She is a gorgeous girl, and I miss her - but Pernod and Perry are pleased to have their mom all to themselves :).

These pics were taken at 11 pm, after P and P were shut indoors.


She loved the sandpit, too!


Having a flop in the sand




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