My ex boss called the other day and asked if I could bunny sit while he and his family went on holiday to Mexico. Like I needed to be asked twice!!! So, on Friday, they arrived with Thumper, a beautiful, not-sure-what-breed, fixed doe. She is an outdoor bun, which works well as my two are house buns with access to the garden.
So, she was having a bit explore of the garden before she went into the hutch. Pernod and Perry were inside - at least, they were! Pernod suddenly comes charging through the catflap, to see a new bunny on the grass. Before I could pick Thumper up, Pernod was there. They sniffed each other, Pernod humped Thumper's head and Thumper lay submissive. Hmmm, thinks me, not a bad start. Then Pernod starts to grumble and chase Thumper, so I quickly pick Pernod up and OUCH!!! she sinks her teeth into my finger, almost to the bone. I carried her inside, with blood spurting all over Pernod, my clothes, shoes, the garden, the kitchen, then the bathroom, while i try to clean my finger. It took one and a half hours to stop the blood spurting, and I managed to get a dressing on, before starting work at 1pm.
It still bleeds and is quite swollen, but what hurts most is that Pernod wanted nothing to do with me all day, after seeing me with another bunny
. I am just relieved that it was me that got bit and not Thumper (who, BTW, is an absolute doll). Needless to say, they won't be having any more meetings. I will post pics of Thumper later on!
So, she was having a bit explore of the garden before she went into the hutch. Pernod and Perry were inside - at least, they were! Pernod suddenly comes charging through the catflap, to see a new bunny on the grass. Before I could pick Thumper up, Pernod was there. They sniffed each other, Pernod humped Thumper's head and Thumper lay submissive. Hmmm, thinks me, not a bad start. Then Pernod starts to grumble and chase Thumper, so I quickly pick Pernod up and OUCH!!! she sinks her teeth into my finger, almost to the bone. I carried her inside, with blood spurting all over Pernod, my clothes, shoes, the garden, the kitchen, then the bathroom, while i try to clean my finger. It took one and a half hours to stop the blood spurting, and I managed to get a dressing on, before starting work at 1pm.
It still bleeds and is quite swollen, but what hurts most is that Pernod wanted nothing to do with me all day, after seeing me with another bunny