The Truth About Pebbles (and Sebastian!)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
We've come to the conclusion that Pebbles is a Stepford bunny.

She's too perfect! :?

Her cage is spotless... (Have you seen a poop? I've never seen a poop). :ponder:

She neverleaves when she's not supposed to, even though there'sno top! :huh

She never gets sick... :nurse

I've never heard a complaint about a chewed wire, much less severaldestroyed computers, countless keyboards,mice, headsets andphone cords -- like SOME bunnies I know... :angryrant

She's adwarf, and dwarfs aren't supposed to hold their bodyheat, but she happily plays in the snow... (my dwarf won'teven hang around the fridge door). :rollseyes:

She's perfectly photogenic -- she poses. :bunny2

She even sings the national anthem... :singing

But the final straw was the pic of her toy -- the tomato box that she'shad for what, a year?It looked pristine!I was looking for thetomato box my crew gotlastweek to take a pic to compare --but there wasn't even arecognizable flap left!!:dunno

And then it dawned on me...:idea Pet_bunny didn't adopt her, he built her!

You're not fooling us! :nono
/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gifbutwait.....does that mean pebbles is on a mission to turn all our bunniesinto perfectly clean and tidy photogenic bunnies????? WoooHooo! GoPebbles!!!!/themes/default/party0002.gif
alfie and angel wrote:
/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gif/images/emoticons/shock.gifbutwait.....does that mean pebbles is on a mission to turn all our bunniesinto perfectly clean and tidy photogenic bunnies????? WoooHooo! GoPebbles!!!!/themes/default/party0002.gif

HAHAHAHAHAHA,no way would that ever happen,the photogenic part yeah,but the perfectly clean and tidy,hehe noooooo way.

Pebbles is just one perfect little girl,now that is how little girland boybunnies should be like,

WE ALL WANT PEBBLES:elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant::elephant:

pet bunny,tell us how you got pebbles to be little miss perfect.


Oh wait!! There are TWO Stepford bunnies!


I've always thought he was really just a wind-up toy and Razzand SLG have been pulling our legs all this time. (He reallydoes look stuffed, doesn't he?)

So fess up, guys!! Who's your designer!! (And cough up the contact info).

sas :)pipp :bunnydance:dill:brownbunnyradar and darry :toastingbunsand sherry:bunny24 (the FOSTERbun)

(the disgustingly real warren)
OMG! I was just going to say that Pebbles is another Sebastian!! :laugh:They're too good to be true!
Pipp wrote:
Oh wait!! There are TWO Stepford bunnies!
So fess up, guys!!

O.K. You figuredme out.I confess. Time to let theTRUTH to beknown.
Pebbles was abductedbyALIENS!:vomit:

She has no memory of her past life, and her story begins whenthe ALIENS dropped her off at a VeterinaryClinic.The goodDoctor examined Pebbles, and found all thesestrange marks on her, and discovered
Pebbles was PREGNANT! :shock:

Well the ALIENS must ofdone a real good job on her, probing her,experimenting, and leavingherat the
Clinic when they were done with her.
The Doctor had to perform an emergency operation, by cuttingopen poor Pebbles, to find a single lifeless offspring ofthe Alien abduction. Other medicaltreatments were to mend cuts and marks that had to be shavedto seeif any unexplained probes were implanted inher body.

Soon, there were Men in Black appearing, and some strange force was drawing me to visit this Doctor.
I was assigned to take in Pebbles, and towatch after her. This is a Top SecretMission, nothing else wouldmatter. So this is why I spend24 hours with her, and have all these high techequipment (camera)
to record her every move. :D

Maybe sheisPERFECTinevery way,BUT.....
this might be a plant, adisguise. Shemight beundercover, and when the time comes....




Rainbows! :bow
naturestee wrote:

*Locks bunnies in their room so they can't take over the world*

Actually, that wouldn't be so bad, would it?
Bunnies are smarter than most humans, so probably not. LOL
You can play a 'fortune telling game' with theold furbies. You ask furbie a question, and it tells you yesor no. I asked furby "Is Oreo and all the bunnies trying forworld domination?"

Furby replies: "Hmmmm.... Hmmmmm.... Me say, YES!"

And so you have it.
(On the old moniter-gives-you-radiation-poisoning computer, I have awhole bunch of random scribbles in paint programs about bunnies andworld domination. What was that thing about childrensupposedly being very intuitive?)
LOL Pip, your post made my dielaughing...everything you said was true...and i love the picture of thebunny looking at the globe. Hahahahahaaa

Pipp wrote:
Her cage is spotless... (Have you seen a poop? I've never seen a poop). :ponder:

I did a little research, and I believe I found a poop, although it isnot 100% verifiable that this is indeed a poop. Perhaps it isa little rock?

nose_twitch wrote:
I did a little research, and I believe I found a poop,although it is not 100% verifiable that this is indeed a poop.
That bunny is not Pebbles.:D It must be a clone fromthe ALIENS.

Here is the real Pebbles, patiently waiting by the door to be let in.
When she can't come in she will go and play some more.






Rainbows! :angel:

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