The Teen Years... Again

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Spice is having a relapse into his teen yearsagain. He's a bit mixed up with his age! He's back to nipping me,clawing like crazy everytime I pick him up, running away from me,giving me the bunny butt (bunny version of the silent treatment), andso on, you all know how it goes! I push him away when he claws myclothes when he's sitting on my stomach/chest, but it just makes him"dig" more vigorously and chew holes in my clothes and chew zippersoff. Perhaps he's protesting not being allowed to have a girlfriend athis "ripe old"age! I'm still working on that one with my dad.;)He wont let them have girlfriends until he's allowed one,lol, he doesn't seem to care that he's happily married!

I'vegot the Bunny Time Blues now that my snuggle bug is acting more andmore like Mocha. :shock:Scary thought.... TWO MOCHA'S! Saveus all! lol, Mocha's being really good, he doesn't have these bad teenyear relapses, ha ha, maybe that's because he's permanently stuck inthe teen years! Okay so he's not that bad, he's much more of an eventempered bunny, he's not like Spice where one minute he wants tosnuggle and the next he wants to be left alone. He's getting so used tobeing picked up and cuddled since I pick him up and hold him in my armsat least 4 or more times a day. Well back to the beauty (Mocha) and thebeast (Spice).

Laura, Mocha, & Spice
Aww they're just preparing you.

Ya see, if you want children, they're showing you the way.

They'll pull out.

They're just upset because they don't have All of you right now. You have a lot going on.

I don't think I ever really learned patience and how to Live for Today until I had a rabbit.


lol, it's hard to "live for today" when everyone's telling you to think about and plan for the future!

My boys are making me not want kids! lol, I'll stick to a ranch full ofanimals thank you very much! It's hard for them to have all of me whenthere's 2 of them! lmao. I spend as much time as I can brushing themand spoiling them, Mocha's thriving and Spice is just acting like thespoiled "kid" he is! lol. You really don't realise how theirpersonalities can differ until you have 2 completely oppositebunnies at the same time. And I mean completely, Mocha's even tempered,active, friendly as can be, pushy, while Spice's temper fluctuates,he's more lazy, less friendly unless he knows the person well, rarelypushy unless it's with me.

P.S.- Should have named this post "The Teen Years... Relived!". ;)
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
lol, it's hard to "live for today" when everyone's tellingyou to think about and plan for the future!

Tell me about it..."have you picked a wedding date yet?", "where areyou going to live?", "are you going to live together?", "how will youpay for it?" AHHH!

Sorry that was off topic...but I just wanted to add my thoughts :p
Dear Laura,

I truly understand what you're saying.
My whole heart goes out to you because I know how much you adore Mochaand Spice and how this is bumming you out to get this reaction.

Rabbits are so stubborn! They get something in their mind and it takes so long to condition them out of it.

The reason why I say that they make me Live for Today is because of howquickly they pass through our fingertips. As you know, one day they'refine, the next, they're gone. That's what makes me Live for Today.Every day I'm able to share with a rabbit is a treasure.

Hang on and keep doing what you do best: Love. I wonder if they may be 'punishing' you for how busy you've been.

Your lovable Spice will certainly return to his old ways, and Mochawill soon show signs of "Don't MESS!" with any other than you, Laura.

lol, no worries! Half the posts on this board end up going off the original topic! lol.

No ones asking about the wedding yet, thank goodness, I'm only 16. ButI just finished grade 10 and everyone is pressuring me to figure outwhat I want to be. Everyone's telling me to bea doctor, whichisn't bad, sciences and math are my strong subjects, but I just reallywish I could find a great job with animals. Oh well, it wont stop mefrom owning a tonne! With this course I'm taking through summer school(CALM- Career And Life Management) they make you plan out everything,college/university you are going to attent, how to fund it, whatscholarships to apply for, then they go onto how much it costs to rentand buy food or buy a house, and everything that goes along with it. Wewere given fake jobs and had to budget accordingly and of course, I hada low paying job and had major problems finding a place in my researchthat was in my price range! lol. Tomorrow we have to price out a carand insurance, oh joy!

Well it's late and I have to get up at 6:30 so bye!
Carolyn wrote:
Dear Laura,

I truly understand what you're saying.
My whole heart goes out to you because I know how much you adore Mochaand Spice and how this is bumming you out to get this reaction.

Rabbits are so stubborn! They get something in their mind and it takes so long to condition them out of it.

The reason why I say that they make me Live for Today is because of howquickly they pass through our fingertips. As you know, one day they'refine, the next, they're gone. That's what makes me Live for Today.Every day I'm able to share with a rabbit is a treasure.

Hang on and keep doing what you do best: Love. I wonder if they may be 'punishing' you for how busy you've been.

Your lovable Spice will certainly return to his old ways, and Mochawill soon show signs of "Don't MESS!" with any other than you, Laura.

I know how quick things pass through our finger tips. The horse I usedto ride, Hercules, went down in a lesson because of colic and passedaway the next day, I was attending my sisters wedding rehearsal andwedding and never knew about this. When I found out Sunday, I was toodevasted to attend the gift opening, I never thought I'd lose him andespecially never get to say good bye. But that taught me a valuablelesson, don't take anything for granted.

lol, I know, they are absolutely going to hate me going away to university, even if I still will live at home with them.
Oh, bless Spice'slittleheart! He and Mocha are real HOOTS!:D

Crossing my fingers that all gets better,Laura. I know how it is when our furbabies getornery. Not a good feeling.:(

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