The sweet little punk Max & Jemma the angel

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Tri-Cities, Washington, USA
I will write up more tomorrow as it is very late right now, but after a bumpy start, the bonding is going really well!! I'm SO excited for these two to get together! I am truly sorry we don't have tons of darling pictures for everyone to enjoy of these two and their flirting, I will have to do my best to be a good writer instead!

I can already tell that Max is completely head over heals for Jemma, but Jemma is more cautious and will be taking her time to make sure that Max is a good man that she can trust to take care of her. Well, of course! What lady wouldn't do the same?? She's a smart cookie, this one. I'm taking things slowly because of Jemma's abscess. The Vet said she is healthy and safe to be around Max, so they had 2 more bonding sessions in the bathtub which I will write about in more detail, the 1st one worried the heck out of me even though they seemed pretty calm about it and the 2nd one didn't scare Mommy nearly as much, Phew! ;) :p

The most exciting thing that came out of the last bonding session is what these two sillies are doing right now in their pens and have been doing for the past 20 minutes (one side is facing the other's pen so they can clearly see each other). What is it that they're doing??... Playing hide 'n seek with the other while scurrying around their pens doing lots of BINKIES!!! LOL. Yay! I so hope these two fall in love. Especially since my hon and I are completely in love with Jemma :biggrin2: (and Max too of course even though he's a punkster!:biggrin2:). Max was also trying to paw underneath his pen so that he could get to his beloved because touching noses between the pens just wasn't enough for him! Aww..

More tomorrow!

I hope all goes well!
Tony got near Bo's cage last night. They hadn't been around each other since Tony was a baby. They were trying to fight between the cage bars.... we got him pretty quick and know not to let him near anymore! Phew!

They scare me!
With the 2 bunnies running aorund doing binkies and playing little games with each other through the cage bars, its certain things will go well with the bonding :D
Sounds like you really know your stuff, Max and Gemma ought to be such sweet hearts:inlove:

pics pics pics, I can't wait to see these guys...;)
Ohh yes....we need to see pictures of your adorable little bunnies

They both sound so so sweet :)

Sorry everyone, I've been badly neglecting updates on Jemma and this blog! The past week was pretty stressful for both of us.

After MUCH turmoil over the past week with back and forth conversations and deliberating with her foster mom, Rabbit Advocates, and the head of the organization trying to find some way or any way to save Jemma, at last we have great news!

Previously, we were going to try antibiotics alone because the surgery to remove Jemma's abscess was way too expensive for all involved. The Vets were pretty doubtful of the benefit that PenG injections alone would have on her abscess as an alternative to her surgery, but my main Vet was willing to work with our financial limitations and give it a try. The shelter left me with two choices at this time, either I could try antibiotics to see if they worked, or I could have Jemma put down.. EEEEEK! Just thinking about putting Jemma down broke my heart and I would burst into tears, NO WAY did I want that to happen to her. She deserves so much more..

Well today, this afternoon in fact, after I had hung up with the Vet discussing the best antibiotic options and praying to God they would work for her, I received a phone call from Jemma's foster Mom. ( I should mention here the shelter had informed me at an earlier date that even with their medical fund, they could only contribute $100 to Jemma getting treatment, plus $100 from foster mom, plus $100 from myself. That put us $300 short of her costs; surgery and post-surgery treatment via antibiotics). Her foster Mom called to inform me that the head of the shelter decided Jemma had special circumstances (I'm guessing this is because she was adopted with a significant health issue and no one knew this beforehand) and they bumped up their contribution to $300 and will be paying this directly to the Vet. On top of this, her foster Mom (who is the sweetest and most caring bunny person I have met) felt responsible and wanted to contribute $300 also. That would leave $100 for me to use on additional alternative treatments to make sure her abscess does not return and to keep her immune system in top form.


I am SO THRILLED with this news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot even say how grateful I am that Jemma will finally be getting the chance to have all the good things in life that she deserves! Jemma's angels are working over-time for her it seems ;).

To be realistic, I know there are chances of the abscess returning, but I am very optimistic that with the antibiotics, addition of alternative and homeopathic remedies, the best natural diet I can dig up, and tons of love, she will stay completely healthy after her surgery.

A few days ago I FINALLY got a new cell phone and luckily it comes with a great little camera. My honey has been trying to figure out how to transfer pics from it onto my computer to put up here for everyone to see, so pics will be coming soon!!!:biggrin2: I have some absolutely adorable pics of Jemma showing off for the camera and sitting ontop of my honey while he's sound asleep on the couch.. seriously too cute! She sat contentedly on top of him for nearly half an hour before deciding it was potty break time. Such a little darling!

:pinkelepht::pinkbouce: :sunshine::balloons::bunnydance: :party:

Blessings to all,

A, J, & M

The bonding is of course on hold and will be until Jemma is fully recovered, but I will be sure to keep everyone updated in this blog once it gets going again!

You sound like such a dedicated bunny Mum :biggrin2:
And that is good news...extra money is always welcome when trying to take care of our critters...I recently had to pay quite a bit for my little Husker to go for a consult and eye drops...yikes $70.

I am so pleased Jemma is going to get the care she needs, it sounds expensive and I hope it will be enough.
And YES YES to pics....can't wait...:dude:
*********** DRUM ROLL ***********

PICTURES of my little pumpkins:
(I'll be putting up 1-2 new pics each week!)

Here is miss cutie Jemma posing for the camera while sitting on top of my hon who is completely sounds asleep on the couch (she ADORES him). Jemma is trying to figure out what the heck that loud snoring sound is all about.. lol.. I can't believe she happily sat on him for so long without wanting to move.. hehe!

Oh Mommy I hear the vaccum cleaner comin'! But it's comin' from Daddy's nose!!

And, Max the punkster insisted on me including him, too.. because anything Jemma gets he must get also, or else he will pout and sulk and generally act like we don't love him anymore and make me feel like a reeeaallly bad mommy..

MOoOM! I want my picture taken! If Jem gets too, I get to too!

A, J, & M

Ok, that was really weird. I don't know what's up with the "temorarily unavailable" sign since they uploaded fine in the preview. I'm putting these two back up below via photobucket which will be more reliable ;).


Oh Mommy I hear the vaccuum cleaner comin'! But it's comin' from Daddy's nose!!


MOoOM! I want my picture taken! If Jem gets to, I get to too!

ooo000ooo thank you for posting those pics for us!:D

Love the one with Jemma sitting on top of him, she must really like him, I know my buns only seldom pay any attention to my partner...hehe lol, he thinks they hate him.
Lemonaxis: Awww, lol! At first Max used to try and one-up him all the time, so he would playfully tease Max back and now Max will let him hold and snuggle him, but he's definitely more my baby and Jemma seems to be becoming his! Hehe.

This has got to be the worst experience I've ever had with adopting a rabbit from a shelter .. Ever! I'm sorry to put down a shelter organization because what they are doing is really great in theory. But what a mess this past month has been!

First, I'm told I will have to cover all of Jemma's surgery and health problems, then the foster mom tells me that this shelter's policy is that all health costs be covered by the foster mom of the rabbit and the shelter's contreibution of $100 plus a medical fund which works on a reimbursement only basis and to go ahead and get everything rolling with check-ups and estimated surgery costs from the vet for Jemma so the abscess doesn't get worse. After the high surgery costs come back to them, I'm told that this is too much for anyone to afford and that she will likely have to be put down. So I frantically get in contact with the president to figure out some way to get more money for Jemma's surgery to be covered and told no they can't do that. Two days later, I get a call from the foster Mom telling me that the president has changed her mind and they can contribute $300 paid dirctly to the vet (Good, Great!!) and the foster mom will send a check for $300.

So, last Thursday I get a surgery opening for the following Monday morning. Now it is left up to me to figure out how to arrange for the foster mom's check to arrive in time which is made out to the Vet clinic, I email her about the confirmed surgery date and if we can meet up on Saturday for me to pick up the check. Then we find out about some big problems and repairs that our condo will have to undergo and I get tied up in that mess for 48 hours and unable to call the foster mom to see if she got my email. She ended up not getting the email until into the weekend and had gone ahead and snail mailed the check to me. It's now Saturday and the Vet is closed. What am I suppose to do?!? I call the Vet's and leave a voicemail apologizing that there was some payment mix up and that the surgery date has to be cancelled and rescheduled and to please contact me so I know they got my message and I'm very very sory for this problem. Monday rolls around and I check my voicemail and email only to find angry emails from the president and the foster mom! They're mad at me for not going to the surgery appointment and accusing me of being irresponsible and creating a big problem for the Vet after I contacted them about not being able to make the appointment.


What kind of nerve is that? I'm going way out of my way playing threeway phone tag for a month just trying to find a way to keep Jemma and going to the different Vets they're telling me to go to, get her the surgery she needs, get copies of the estimates and bills, and finding a way to not have her be put down, putting my reputation on the line with my pesonal Vet to work out a 2-way payment, and they're upset with me?

So I try to contact the president directly again to figure out how she planned to pay the Vet and how to reschedule things so it will work this time.. she doesn't return my calls. I received a call back from the foster mom this evening instead informing me that now the president has decided they cannot contribute the $300 now and I will have to pay this myself and then mail the bills to their medical fund and be reimbursed these costs 3+ months later OR I can return her to her foster mom's and hope the surgery goes well and that her foster mom finds the time to care for her afterwards and that they don't end up putting her down. They really want what is best for Jemma, I keep hearing. RIGHT. How is all of this flip flopping on decisions helping Jemma??

Is it just me or is this an EXTREMELY strange and messed up way to resolve having one of their rabbits properly treated?

So after a MONTH of trying to work this out because I absolutely love Jemma and my partner loves Jemma and we REALLY want to keep her and having this huge mess continue and she STILL hasn't been able to get the surgery, I've decided that even though it breaks my heart, I have to return her to her foster mother and have the shelter and foster mother resolve this between them. I cannot be trying to work all this out when they are obviously really flakey!

This is just tragic. Here the shelter has a GREAT home for one of their bunnies and now she will have to go back to them because I'm fed up with being jerked around with yes will pay this, no we won't, yes we will, no we won't. What a MESS. It makes me so angry.

To be honest though, part of me is worried to hand her back over to their care because frankly I feel like she would get much better care and attention in my home and have less stress because she's already very happy here. But enough is enough, I can't pay for her surgery, they agreed to, so they need to get this figured out.

I'm hoping they will in fact work out the surgery and get her taken care of asap and healed up and perhaps then I can try to adopt her again. This just breaks my heart.

:grumpy: :bigtears::sad:


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