The stinker is up to no good again!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
Camelot, Connecticut, USA
Boy that rabbit can JUMP!

I am worried he is gunna hurt himself one of these days. Asmany of you know... I have a 7 story bunny condo for Gir to livein. Well on the 4th floor I have an 'emergancy' hatch to grabthe little stinker if he is in the top half of the condo in case of anemergancy. Well I had it open as I was cleaning out litterboxes... next thing I know I hear THUMP. The stinker jumpedfrom that opening landing on the floor and then ran to hide behindGuin. Wish I woulda seen him make that jump :shock:

He has calmed down from the nueter, but last night he sprayed Guin:Xat least it isnt as stinky as it once was. He gotreprimanded and then shoved back in his condo while Guin got a babywipebath. She did NOT like that at all hehe.

And now that I look over my shoulder... I realize why Gir made theamazing escape... his hay rack is empty and Guin's is full.So he is stuffing his face :D

This little tyke?? With the perfect legs?!




Gir is around 7months old. Man... cant believe I have had him for 3 months already! Boy time flies =)

He is fun to play with tho. Shawn found a game he can playwith the stinker. Shawn puts Gir on the bed, thumps the bedwith his hands and Gir follows suit. Then Shawn and Gir lungeat each other making grunting sounds. No biting so Gir islearning =) And Gir's ears are positioned in a way that heisnt really angry, just playing. It is so cute to watch=) Because after the game, Gir starts smoothing out thewrinkles in the bedsheet and doing binkies.

Gir's binkies are the BEST! He is so nimble and fast he doesthese amazing twists and turns midair while shaking his head.It is one of his more endearing traits =)
Using an older thread with the cutest picture to say this...

I opened a brand new box of Cheerios today in another ROOM from Elf.When I got to the living room, she was up on herhind legs looking through the cage at me like, "I HEARD the Cheeriobox, Woman! I smelled those Oats! gimme gimme gimme!"


my silly bunny
LOL! Elf, bo is like that! Isn't it amazing how they know it's the "cheerios box" and not the "kids stuff"??? :p

Bo knows the sound of the Oat container being opened and the sound ofHIS cabinet vs. the others. We have had one person watch asthe other is opening stuff to see. Sure enough he jumps forthe cage door when it's something of his being messed with LOL!

hehehe, I cant eat cheerios anymore in the room... Guinevere and Gir like to take milk baths when I do.

but then my parents used to have a Corgi who I SWEAR could hear a piece of bologna being peeled off the stack.

With the buns, all you have to do is rustle plastic and hophophop! They are all attentions =)

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