Well-Known Member
Boy that rabbit can JUMP!
I am worried he is gunna hurt himself one of these days. Asmany of you know... I have a 7 story bunny condo for Gir to livein. Well on the 4th floor I have an 'emergancy' hatch to grabthe little stinker if he is in the top half of the condo in case of anemergancy. Well I had it open as I was cleaning out litterboxes... next thing I know I hear THUMP. The stinker jumpedfrom that opening landing on the floor and then ran to hide behindGuin. Wish I woulda seen him make that jump :shock:
He has calmed down from the nueter, but last night he sprayed Guin:Xat least it isnt as stinky as it once was. He gotreprimanded and then shoved back in his condo while Guin got a babywipebath. She did NOT like that at all hehe.
And now that I look over my shoulder... I realize why Gir made theamazing escape... his hay rack is empty and Guin's is full.So he is stuffing his face
I am worried he is gunna hurt himself one of these days. Asmany of you know... I have a 7 story bunny condo for Gir to livein. Well on the 4th floor I have an 'emergancy' hatch to grabthe little stinker if he is in the top half of the condo in case of anemergancy. Well I had it open as I was cleaning out litterboxes... next thing I know I hear THUMP. The stinker jumpedfrom that opening landing on the floor and then ran to hide behindGuin. Wish I woulda seen him make that jump :shock:
He has calmed down from the nueter, but last night he sprayed Guin:Xat least it isnt as stinky as it once was. He gotreprimanded and then shoved back in his condo while Guin got a babywipebath. She did NOT like that at all hehe.
And now that I look over my shoulder... I realize why Gir made theamazing escape... his hay rack is empty and Guin's is full.So he is stuffing his face