The Secret Life of a Texan Bunny Harem Master

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Bunny Harem, Texas, USA
Hello everyone. I may need to make this first post short as I'm not sure how long I can keep my human tranced and reading my thoughts to send this for me. Let me tell you - it takes a lot of concentration to trance a human - especially when you can't hold them upside down and rub their ears.

My name is Zeus and I am a VERY HANDSOME flemish/NZ mix rabbit. I've been told I look "rogue-ish" due to having one ear up and one ear down. What can I say...the look works for me.

I currently live on the rabbitry floor in a harem with LOTS and LOTS of girls. The BunFather (Tiny) thought he had it good? Ha...he only had a few girls at a time to live have does in double-digits!

Now lest you get the wrong idea when I say "harem"....I don't live with the girls THAT way. I visited the vet a few years ago and came home with a whole new perspective on life...and on does. I decided they would make great that is what we are.

I have so many stories to share with y'all. I'm actually going to share them here in the human blog area because I think the humans need to learn from my experiences...that is...if it is possible to train humans. I'm not totally convinced it is possible. is losing that glazed look in her eyes...I best stop this for now - but for those who don't know me - here are a couple of pictures of me....



Wow - it has been FIVE days since I've been able to trance mom to help me post. She better be prepared for a LONG post this time as I have a lot to catch you humans up on.

There are a couple of topics I want to discuss with y'all. So here goes...

We bunnies are not "mascots" to be taken out and shown to everyone. Mom took me to the feed store on Tuesday...imagine...dragging me out to the feed store just so she could show me off to Gabby. Sheesh. Mind you - Gabby is a cutie and if she were a still yet. Mom put me in some sort of carrier on the way there...but on the way back - I INSISTED on sitting on her lap and chest and letting the air conditioner blow in my fur. AWESOME. Still more "outings" unless its someplace I choose.

Don't compare bunnies to each other - especially to a bunny that has passed away. Even my does do this...."Tiny did it this way" or "Tiny didn't do that..". Whatever...

Look - I'm my own bun. Tiny was black - I'm white. He had erect ears - I choose to have one ear down. He was "regal" - I'm a rogue.

So get over it. Stop mentioning Tiny around me and even talking ABOUT Tiny to others (even if it is at the feed store).

I'm here now. Focus on ME.

Oh - I'm learning by the way - when mom says "Zeus" - I don't answer...because I'm probably in trouble. If she says, "Zeusy"...I respond because she usually has treats or nose rubs.

Finally - life in a harem isn't all its cracked up to be (sometimes).

For those who don't know me - I live on the rabbitry floor with a bunch of does. The mean ones are caged so the girls on the floor are the mild mannered ones that get along well...usually.

A little over a month ago - one of the bucks figured out how to get out of his cage and asked permission to have a party with the does. I pointed to a dog kennel and said, "I'm not going to be sleeping there...".

It was a WONDERFUL day. The does mainly left me alone - sometimes they'd come over and groom me and say, "Thanks Zeusy for letting us have fun..." and then they'd go running back.

Mom isn't sure how long the buck was out - it could've been as much as 26 hours because we'd been fed early the day before and the cage didn't get shut tight.

By the way - in his defense - the buck had lived in that cage for months and months and months and never ever broken out before....

Well - no one told me (or the girls) that they might get pregnant.

So for the last few days they come cuddle next to me and go...

"Zeusy...I feel so fat. Will you groom me?"


"Zeus...she won't let me have the nest spot I want...will you beat her up?"


"Man Zeus...I am scared about being a mama. Do you think I'll be a good mama?"

and the absolute worst one of all

"Zeus...what nest design do you think I should use? There's the corner nest, the tunnel nest, the "let em lay there and cover them with hay nest, and so many others....I need help making a decision.."


Thank God mom has finally caged a bunch of the does....although she may have missed a few and is working on getting cages set up.

The worst part of it is coming though - I can just sense it...

Can you imagine a bunch of does crowding around me (when they get their playtime out of the cages) and going...

" ought to see my kids..."


"Zeus...I hurt from nursing - I got bit"


"I wonder if my milk is ok..."


"Will you be their "papa" even if you aren't their dad??"

My point?

Life isn't always easy for a bun....even a handsome one like me.

So lighten up on your expectations - oh - and bring on the craisins...I'm gonna need them. (Add some banana too please!)

Coming soon - picture(s) of me & Echo.....its always good to get 'em while they're young so you can train them....and the two of us look so darn cute together....
dear mr zeus, i is liking your campaign poster cos i have a carrot everyday for me health. i would luv to be part of your harem - Devon chapter - as i dont notice any otter rexes in your main harem. variety is the spice of life;) i dont need you to beat up anybun for me cos i've got me own security - 2 choc labs. also me new husbun doesnt mind cos he is very liberal minded and does what i tell him.

luv roxy:hearts

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