The results of my bloodwork / Doctor's visit

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I had a great appointment today at the hospital with my doctor. We went over my bloodwork and here is what I found out.

  • I don't have diabetes II. (WOO HOO). I'm not even really borderline. I think they wanted the glucose level to be around 110 max and I'm at 113. The doctor was very pleased.
  • I am not anemic. I have been anemic several times before.
  • I do not have high cholesterol. In fact, my bad cholesterol is low -and my good cholesterol is low. He wants me to go on fish oil capsules for that...I forget why. My triglycerides are off the chart (215 when they want them to be around 150 at most). He wants me to exercise to help with that.
  • I DO have high blood pressure. He wants me back on my meds....and I agreed. (I'm not exactly the most compliant patient).
  • I had a bit of blood in my urine so he's treating it like a urinary tract infection - a week of antibiotics and then come in for a urine test again two weeks after that.
  • He thinks...
    • I have sleep apnea. This would explain the exhaustion and affect a lot of my ability to function.
      • He's going to do a referral so I can go in for a sleep test and see if I can use a mask and machine to help me sleep. He thinks I'm always exhausted because of this. He says losing weight may help too.
    • He also told me that exercise will help with my triglycerides and just help me feel better all over.
      • Since I now will be merchandising again...and on my feet more - I suspect I'll be getting exercise.
This is the order he wants to do things in...

go on antibiotics and then take urine test about 2 weeks later

do sleep test and find out results

Then...see him again. He didn't even give me refills on my blood pressure medicine - in order to make me come in and see him. (He's sneaky and mean). He thinks if I get on my blood pressure meds and stay on them - I'll feel better too.

I'm so happy I went in and got the bloodwork done.

Oh - and the reaction to the sweets at my mom's place? He said since I don't normally have sweets around much....that would probably be what caused some of those reactions. Also - to watch what I eat and if it happens again - to try and note what I ate beforehand...

So I'm pretty pleased...

That's great news, Peg! I'm so glad it went well for you. If I remember right (as they talk about it on talk shows alot) that fish capsules (Omega 3s) help to keep a healthy heart, but they give you the fish burps:yuck, look forward to that, lol.
Ihate to be the bad guy and tell you but your doctor is wrong.

You are pre-metabolic, Peg - early diabetes. If you look it up, they lowered the low end to 100 a while back. If you are 113, it's high for fasting.The OLD levelwas 110 max. Full fledged diabetic blood glucose test fasting is 126.

I was 105 and they put me on medicine 2 years ago.

Read this especially where he talks about the person with a 92 glucose test and triglycerides. I have low tris...

Here's another article on how fasting test should be 99 or under. That's not the tolerance test, but the first test or the single test you probably had. I'vehad the glucosetolerance as well when I was preggers.

And I just found this from the ADA itself: Pre-diabetes

and this is in their FAQ section:

Q: How does the FPG test define diabetes and pre-diabetes?
A: Normal fasting blood glucose is below 100 mg/dl. A person with pre-diabetes has a fasting blood glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl. If the blood glucose level rises to 126 mg/dl or above, a person has diabetes.

OH and the reaction to sweets? you got like fainty right? When you have early diabetes sometimes your sugar will go low.... I fainted at my sister's one time... good friday - fasting - stupid me eats a piece of cake! LOL!


blood in urine is indicative of sugar issues

WISH ME LUCK - I go for my yearly bloodwork - tomorrow at 9:30 am.
Oh I'm so very happy for you!!!! Yes, it seems as we get older the answer to so many problems is exercise.. I just want to know when they are going to come up with a pill for exercise? :)
Sounds like a pretty good visit, overall. I'd be a bit careful about the sugar thing....I'd call it borderline (I'm a physician assistant student)....but nothing to totally go nuts about.....just watch added sugar, and foods/drinks with lots of added sugar (sodas, etc.) Exercise is the very best thing for bp, too. That's the kicker for me and for my husband. He has really high bp, and HATES to exercise. When I get the urge to exercise, I lie down and eat something until the feeling passes. Unfortunately, the older I get, the less that works....just keep adding weight, or not being able to lose it! Keep us posted.
