The Rabbits Of Tirra Glynn

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2007
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Auckland, , New Zealand
I am the proud owner of six Mini Lop rabbits,one Mini-Cashmere Lop rabbit and one 12 day old (approx.) wild orphanrabbit. I got my first bunny on March the 26th of last yearand got my most recent addition just yesterday.

When getting my first bunny little did I know I would fall in love withthem and end up with so many! They are such awesome littlecreatures and I love them all to bits. I have begun breedingand will hopefully soon have some kits of my very own to show.

I will see if I can show you some photos of my lovlies (I've never done this before so it may or may not work!).

First up is Beau (short for Beauclair Featheringsol Cosfortingham -named from a bookI read when I was a kid). He wasmy first bunny.



Click the "Insert Image" button up on the toolbar - top right... 4thbutton from the right on the top row (when you're in edit post mode)...looks like a page with 3 colored balls on it. Paste thewebsite with the picture in the pop up, and it will post them on thepage directly.

Beau is a cute pie!! Relaxed bunnies are awesome - makes you know you're doing something right. :)


That's better! He's beautiful but HATES having his photo taken.

And here is Kuta. He is my cuddliest bunny and likes tofollow me around the backyard (he also likes to dig in the compost butlets not go there!).


And then there is Tiger Lilly, my lovely Blue doe. She won aBest In Show once (before she came to live with me). Now sheis too big to show but she's going to have gorgeous kits.

First Pic is aged 5 months:


Second pic is after she got her BIS:


And last pic was taken just recently:


And here is the lovely Bella, my first ever doe. She is due to have kits tomorrow (hopefully):


And Dibbles Delight. Dibbles hasn't lived with me for allthat long but she has given me one gorgeous little doe who I'll showyou in a minute.




I'm in love with all your bunnies. Bella and Katu's coloring is awesome!!

And here is my very own Sharpei (my six year oldcousin named her after a character on the movie High School Musical andthen the name just stuck). She is a Mini Cashmere Lop(previously known as a Fuzzy Lop) and she is cute and cuddly.

The first two pics of her are when she was just 8 weeks old:



And the next is when she was 11 weeks old (it's not a very good photo):


And the next one is the same pic as my avatar (but I thought you might like a better look):


Kuta is always everyone's favourite.Quite often I'll have families come around to choose a baby bunny andthe kids always get distracted by Kuta's antics and say 'Mum can we getthat one?' He is such a sweetheart but he has had quite a fewhealth problems so he's lucky I love him so much!

Here is my little orphan bunny Asher. He is so cute but I'm not sure he'll survive:


Oh my goodness...they're SO CUTE!!!


I went ahead and fixed that first picture for you (even before I sawyour request, hehe). All it was missing was the first "[". :)


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Thanks for fixing the photo.

I'm not sure why everyone likes Kuta so much but every single timesomeone sees my bunnies they give an extra 'aww' when they get toKuta. Sharpei is becoming a favourite with visitors too, thetwo of them are really cuddly.When people come tosee my rabbits they are always really surprised to see a rabbit runningfree in the backyard and Kuta is really curious too sotheyare even more surprised when he comes hopping over to say hello,sniffing their feet and sitting still for a cuddle and a pat!It's a great marketing ploy really! He is my very specialbaby, he got coccidiosis once and was so close to death I reallythought I was going to lose him (so did the vet) but after a week ortwo of living in my bedroom and having things force-fed down him hecame right. I think that actually helped to make him sofriendly.