The nestbox is in...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Bloomfield, New York, USA
Juno was inspecting her nestbox and seemed to approve. Babies are due on Sunday - graduation day for me.

Pictures once they arrive...

irishbunny wrote:
Aw can't wait!

Try not to get too excited though, first litters are a bit iffy.

Yeah - I have had first litters get eaten and destroyed and Juno is not carrying around mouthfuls of straw yet which gives me a clue she has no idea what will happen, poor baby....

Keep your fingers crossed...

Sorry about the blurry image: to the left is a bunny butt and near my finger is a bunny head and ears - my camera battery needs to be recharged...the third kit is not in view.


Three kits - all plump at the moment and all were in the nestbox - Juno did pluck fur and cover them nicely and she looks pretty proud of herself...and funny thing... her left ear is DOWN today... that is her radar ear that is always at half-mast.

One looks like a broken tort from the peach fuzz on his or her body... the others I can't tell until they are a little older.

Now to charge the camera battery as I know if I post without pictures, folks will hound me. :)

I am grateful they have all their legs and ears attached - there is nothing more discouraging to find a litter on the wire, half-eaten.

I gave Juno her favorite treats and she looks pretty happy. Now I have to go to work and get the Class of 2009 graduated... this is my favorite task of work.


Thank goodness it is not hot here today... I have lost kits when the weather is too hot. I will do a kit check in a bit. Oh, and the class of 2009 at my school is officially graduated... I will miss this class.

tori wrote:
Congratulations! Both on the babies and the class! You will have to send me one of those babies lol I am interested in Hollands :p

I am hoping for some good quality Hollands here - Axel sired a beautiful tort doe that cleaned up at the last show I went to and Juno took a first in her class... the kits are still alive and were "popcorning" my hand when I reached in to check on them this evening.

Graduation went well - now I get ready for September and my new incoming senior class.

OakRidgeRabbits wrote:
Denise, do you have a website? I saw you're in NY- I'm not too far away!

I haven't updated it in a while.... on my to do list...

I'm in Bloomfield... (southeast of Rochester in the Finger Lakes) if you are in NY did you know Dwayne Neal...he sold me my Torianne and a number of my first Hollands...


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