The nasty tasting (to buns) stuff you paint on things to ..

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I bought some stuff called bitter lime tastedeterent, but the rabbits seemed to find it pretty tasty. I have foundit better to bunny proof all of my cords with plastic tubing and toblock off things that I don't want them to chew on. Also I bought oneof those grass mats for them to chew on which they love, and has prettymuch stopped them from chewing on other stuff. I have also found thatit seems like when they get past the baby stage they don't seem to chewas much.
I use some stuff called Bitter Apple. They don'tlike it (although I've heard some rabbits do like the taste) and itkeeps my buns away from chair legs and other things I'd rather not havethem chewing on.
It's been my experience and I've read it too,that rabbits like bitter/sour stuff. So, usually the storebought stuff doesn't work. I use hot sauce. Iactually had to put it all around my bed today because Sampson thoughthe would eat the bed last night. I have to take a picture ofhow Harley, my dog, reacts to hot sauce, it is too funny!!
