The joy and sorrow of owning livestock.

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Yesterday started out strange and I knew it was going to be a fun one...

Lexi got up late and I decided to take her into school just a bit late. She was happy.

Next, I went shopping in the town next to us...... no biggy..... found some jeans, bras for both me and Lexi on sale.... She and Iare happy.

Luke got home, he didn't feed Pokie before school since I was going out.... uhh, I didn't feed Pokie either. She was NOT happy.

Luke fed Pokie and came home saying the goat was sick. Actually she had some flakey skin, losing fur... I knew it was mites or lice or something. She wasn't unhappy or happy.... just itchy.

Called the vet, got her an appointment, went to take her...... my trailer is blocked in by my SIL's truck. I was NOT happy. (I cannot say what I actually was or I'll get edited lol)

Got the dog kennel and put her in it, used some cargo tiedowns, took her to the vet. We were happily relieved.

$45 to find out she had ear mites AND lice and that there had been 4 other people in with goats yesterday with this condition (bad year for it) and got an ivermectin shot for her. (he didn't think about it until we got inside and so we just gave it (cheaper).... I've never given a shot. I guess I was happy.

Found out that goat lice cannot affect people or other animals other than sheep. Considering she's been in my Sister-inlaw's barn with the horses; I was unbelievably happy.

I went to the farm store to get the product to spray her and her stall down for the lice and they were out since it's a bad situation right now. Called another store, nope, and another store where I believe the goat herself could do a better job working their than the people who helped me. I was unhappy.

Found the pen of bunnies and they had a bunch of little baby lionheads, mixes, and 2 little mini-rex. One was a little Bo and of course I got him out and kissed on him and petted him. I was very happy.

Couldn't bring him home. I was very unhappy.

Called hubby to stop by the idiot store and he had already gotten home. We could go when I returned. I was neither happy or unhappy.

Took the goat to the barn, gave her the shot (which son tried and couldn't do). Hoped I did it right and fed the horse her grain. She came running up from the back when I called her so we could close her gate there.I was VERY happy.

Went to said store and found exactly what the idiot told me he'd never seen, heard of or carried right where I told him it would be. (same store chain, different city). I was unhappy and happy at the same time!! :shock:

I hear you Bo - it's a rollercoaster! I dealt with mites in a goat once, with the proper treatment it's not a huge deal, but not fun none the less. It sure keeps us busy and there are a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes my husband says he cannot handle the ups and downs, and often times stress - but the happiness they bring us and enjoyment is more than the stress as you know :)
Yep. I tell my animals all the time that they should be thankful they are adorable or I'd send them packing LOL!

It's amazing how many times your day can go up and down with these things. It's not like you can go to any CVS or Walgreens on whatever block you want and pick up something for their lice...... you have to get something from the vet or the vet tells you.... and a lot of people don't carry that stuff!

Just FYI for Goats, horses, sheep, cattle he said this stuff is great! (whatever type of mite/lice) it's called Synergized Lice-No-More.
Does this mean you took a goat to the vet in a dog kennel? Like one of those big plastic crates? You must be very strong to carry around a goat like that! Also, the picture of a goat in a plastic dog crate is pretty funny to me. I guess it's because I've never owned livestock.

I'm so sad that you had to leave the little Bo bunny. This time of year I get so upset. I have been avoiding the pet stores I know sell bunnies (not that there are many around here--the HRS is pretty active!) and cruising Craigslist getting ready to re-post my cautionary "Make Mine Chocolate" post. I bet it's worse at the feed stores. :pssd::cry1:
Yep, we took Cat to the vet in the dog kennel HOWEVER, we put it in the truck then put her in it - then she managed to tip it over a couple of times before we got it strapped in. She ended up laying down and being a good girl for the trip.

That's how they got her home when he bought her. She was very little then tho.....

My son's truck had her IN THE CAB on his lap one time. It's also had one of the baby lambs in there.... whatever it takes to get them where they need to be I guess LOL!

It was actually much easier for us to just take her that way and not have to deal with my trailer. If I had plenty of time it would be fine, but I didn't and I haven't driven with the trailer since October. Gotta practice some.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
One was a little Bo and of course I got him out and kissed on him and petted him. I was very happy.

Couldn't bring him home. I was very unhappy.
Sorry, that part made me laugh! What a crazy day!
Yeah, that little fat baby buddah Bo was absolutely precious! (Lexi said he was ugly :shock:- A MINIREX UGLY?!?!?!) When I put him back into the cage, he went to the corner and pushed his widdle nose out to get me to pet it more...... That's what Bo does! :tears2:

He needed me..... so did his little sister in the next cage (a REW mini-rex) and all the others sitting there looking at me.

You got those idiot people at Tractor supply too, Zin?

I never realized tho, we get an aerobic workout multiple times each day when someone ticks us off..... then we cool down, then someone else freaks us out..... and so on. :p
Uh.. last weekend.. my husband wanted me to quit derby, cause I was pissed, then ok, then pissed, then ok, then pissed then ok..

Aerobic workout I tell ya.

Our TSC is staffed by teenagers who text while working and just out of HS hotties.. or think they are anyway, who are only there to strut their stuff for the menfolk..

*Uh... wot's Pen g?*

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