The 'Hiccups' Return

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
Leeds, , United Kingdom
A while ago I posted to say that my English Spotdoe Twinkle was laid seeming 'hiccuping'. Well last night shestarted doing it again and later my buck Benjamin did the samething. It's when they're laid out all relaxed they startalmost jumping and making a hic hic hic noise. The last timeI asked I was told that rabbits rarely get hiccups, anyway, I'mstarting to get worried about what this could be - especially as theyare both doing it now. They don't appear to be in any painwhatsoever and seem to be laying relaxed. If I disturb themand make them stand up again the noise and the 'jumping'stops. Does anyone have any advice before I rush off to thevets? The chances are I could onyl describe this problem tothe vets as they wouldn't do it on his counter.


I've never had a rabbit experience hiccups (that I know of..). Dogs, cats, ferrets, but no rabbits :?
Hi Rebecca,

I think I remember replying to this topic the last time it happened.

Occasionally a couple of our buns seem to get something that appear tobe hiccups. But it only last for a few moments and then go away. By thelook on their faces I think they are just as surprised as Iam.

When we first got Chippy, she made some unusual noises (and stilldoes!). She is by far the most vocal of the 5 we have. Sometimes ifyour near her cage and are moving around, she will grunt/oink softly. Ithink it's a territorial thing. She's about 10 months old and isn'tspayed so it's probably a bunatude issue as well.

Do they show any other symptoms?

What kind of diet are they on?

If you are in any way concerned, you might think about planning a vet visit. Keep us posted.


Hi Jim

Thanks for the reply.

Benjamin has only done it once and when I disturbed him itstopped. I don't know how long it would carry on for if Ididn't disturb them as evertime I hear it I get worried and go anddisturb them to get them to stop so I'm not sure if eventually it wouldstop on their own.

Their main diet is pellets and hay (Don't know what kind as we onlyseem to get one variety in the uk) They occasionally get alittle nibble of grass as they go out in the run most days. Itry to steer clear of most green veggies such as cabbage.They might get a couple of carrots and a couple of apples each aweek. They also get raisins and treats on demand - although Ido try not to go overboard. Do you think this diet may be anissue related to the 'hiccups'?

I'll be taking the buns to the vet next week for their annual jabs soI'll ask him about it when I go, the strange thing is that the'hiccups' are not regular - Twinkle can go for days with no sign ofthem and then all of a sudden they start up again?!:(

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