Well-Known Member
Ok, well it's 34 degrees celsius today (98 degrees f [I think]). This is 10 degrees celsius over the temperature we are supposed to be having!
My buns are downstairs where it's all tile. It's very cool and you can't even feel any heat, it's a comfortable cool. I currently have frozen water bottles in each cage and a pillowcase over the part that's in a bit of sun in Pepsi's cage. They are licking the water bottle and leaning next to it (As it thaws, the waterbottle gets damp so they are licking up the cold moisture). I'm changing their water ever so often and putting cold water in just so the water doesn't warm up. I'm planning on putting a tile in Pepsi's cager later on this afternoon and have Pebbles to run around on the cold tile.Anything else I can do? I currently don't have a fan, but if it gets any more warmer I think I will just to add a bit of circulation in the air.
Also, what are the signs of heatstroke? I know lethargy, in later stages unconcsiousness (sp??), and hot ears. Anything else?
My buns are downstairs where it's all tile. It's very cool and you can't even feel any heat, it's a comfortable cool. I currently have frozen water bottles in each cage and a pillowcase over the part that's in a bit of sun in Pepsi's cage. They are licking the water bottle and leaning next to it (As it thaws, the waterbottle gets damp so they are licking up the cold moisture). I'm changing their water ever so often and putting cold water in just so the water doesn't warm up. I'm planning on putting a tile in Pepsi's cager later on this afternoon and have Pebbles to run around on the cold tile.Anything else I can do? I currently don't have a fan, but if it gets any more warmer I think I will just to add a bit of circulation in the air.
Also, what are the signs of heatstroke? I know lethargy, in later stages unconcsiousness (sp??), and hot ears. Anything else?