The Google banner 9/15/09

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Crop circles

  • Hoaxed

  • Real(unexplained)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Has anyone googled today?

Google's banner is spelled out in a crop circle field.

What are your feelings about crop circles?
I guess I'm half and half, some are clearly fake yet, others seem too intricate to be faked. I'm into all that paranormal stuff, but I still like to take a realistic view to what I see.
If there were intelligent life forms out there I doubt they'd communicate with us through crop circles.

I don't believe in other life forms in space. It is an interesting idea to entertain.
I'm not sure how I feel about crop circles. I've seen the things where they show how to fake one, and then there are ones no one can explain. Personally, I think it is arrogant to thing humans are the only "intelligent" life in the entire universe. But I also don't know why aliens would want to come to earth to play pranks on us!

What's with all the alien stuff on Google lately? Wasn't there a UFO or something on there last week?
i think we could probably have a similar conversation of the Nazca Lines... what would be the point of creating them either? If there are aliens, they may communicate in different formats, such as lines/circles.

Anyway, it's a lot more fun to think that aliens exist and are communicating with us. Explains some folks I know :D
I don't believe in crop circles at all, if they were real how come they only seem to show up in certain countries? We have no idea how big space is so I do believe that millions of miles away there could be some sort of intelligient life.
Crop circles are different shapes made in crops, they are supposed to be the work of aliens.



BethM wrote:
What's with all the alien stuff on Google lately?  Wasn't there a UFO or something on there last week?

Yeah, I know, it's weird... I've been wondering what's up at Google, too. They must have reverse engineered an alien search engine.
They're not photoshopped, they're works of art.

I saw a program once where several groups competed to make the most intricate designs, some were really artful. It also explained how they are made, and how to hide your tracks in the cornfield if you ever want to make your own, lol.

I do think that most of the cropcircles are the works of humans. Some however can be works of nature. there have been some that have been proven to be caused by "mini-tornadoes", like dust-devils. Those look very "primitive" though, just rough circle like patterns in the grass or other vegetation.
Maybe that's where people got the idea for the faked ones.

There's also a program that was on some time ago, where they interviewed to men from Britain, who claimed to be the ones to start the whole rage, and they explained how they made them with just a wooden board and some strings.

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