The end of daylight saving time

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
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Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA
If you're in the United States, it applies to you...

It's time to "fall back" again.

At 2 a.m. Sunday, you needturn your clock back one hour, because it's the end of daylight saving time.

The only parts of the 50 states that don't observe daylight saving time are Hawaii and parts of Arizona.
Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Samoa do not observe it either.


This is also when I change batteries in the smoke detectors, and check expiration dates on my bunny supplies.
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
i wish we would just keep it the way it is, cause that me ans it is going to get darker earlier, i hate it
Yeah, I hate Daylight Savings Time, too. I wish we would get rid of it altogether. It's stupid, and serves no real purpose.
BethM wrote:
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
i wish we would just keep it the way it is, cause that me ans it is going to get darker earlier, i hate it
Yeah, I hate Daylight Savings Time, too. I wish we would get rid of it altogether. It's stupid, and serves no real purpose.
All you have to do is move here :) In Saskatchewan, Canada we don't participate in Daylight Savings Time :p
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
BethM wrote:
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
i wish we would just keep it the way it is, cause that me ans it is going to get darker earlier, i hate it
Yeah, I hate Daylight Savings Time, too. I wish we would get rid of it altogether. It's stupid, and serves no real purpose.
All you have to do is move here :) In Saskatchewan, Canada we don't participate in Daylight Savings Time :p
Places that did and places that didn't... you cross a border and the time is different. I never did think that made any natural sense. I can understand why we do it, it's just such a warped idea if you really think about it lol
yup we've been back for a week now, something to do with the farmers benefiting from the extra morning daylight hour or something lol
Lucky people!...daylight savings started for us about three weeks ago now...and i don't like it...never have...i mean it's good in some way's...but i'm alway's happy when it's finished lol
Indiana didn't use to be on daylight savings time until recently. Before the only way I knew the time changed happen was all the tv shows came on an our later. Then our govenor thought we had to be on DST, ok fine the whole state one timezone, nope there are parts that are still on central time!

Luckily the only thing I have to changeis my watch.
I wish I would get to sleep an extra hour! The bunnies don't know what DST is, and they will start making noise at the same time they always do. No extra sleep for me, and it will take them a week to get used to the new schedule.

I have heard recently that Daylight Savings Time no longer actually saves energy for anyone. Some people just do different activities that still use energy, and other people will have their electronics on no matter how much daylight there is.
oh Beth is that what the purpose is for this,lol.

i would rather it be lighter longer. Becka i dont think the hubby would want to move all the way there just for the hour difference,lol
Yeah, one of the primary goals of Daylight Savings was to reduce the use of incandescent lighting in the evening, thus reducing energy usage. Of course, when it is dark when you get up, you use more lighting in the morning, instead of in the evening. You use the same amount of energy, just at a different time of day.

Another "benefit" of Daylight Savings is to get people to spend more money on leisure activities that could be done in during the longer amount of light available in the after-work time. This benefits sporting good stores, as people might be playing more sports, and convenience stores, but hurts things like movie theaters.
It also hurts farm operations that require harvesting, etc. to be done after dew evaporates, as they'd have to start later in the day.
Some studies have also found an increase in health problems at the beginning of DST, as the body's natural circadian rhythm is unnaturally disrupted.

Current studies show that most places either have no overall change in their energy consumption, and some places actually increase energy consumption. More waking hours of daylight during hot months = higher overall cooling costs!
In light of this information, places continue DST. I don't understand it!!!

Personally, my normal schedule is about the same, year-round. I come home around the same time and fire up the stove for dinner, turn on the tv or computer at about the same time, etc. More hours of daylight doesn't reduce the amount of time I have to work or sleep, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to find more time to do stuff.
JimD wrote:
If you're in the United States, it applies to you...

It's time to "fall back" again.

It applies to us in Alberta Canada too.

Went to sleep at the regular time thinking I will get an extra hour of sleep....
only to wake up at the normal time I usually get up,wasting the extra hour of sleep by laying in bed because I couldn't get back to sleep. :grumpy

Don't forget to set the time on your cameras, especially when you need the informationfor your exif data. :camera
And all the VCR's so you can record the correct shows you want to see. ;)

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