Well-Known Member
As some of you know our rottie was having some aggression issues over the past year. We had "explained away" each and every incident. One of them put our golden at the vets to have a huge bruise drained. One of them put our pup in surgery to have a 2 inch cut closed. Each incident was put off to them playing rough. Well recently our rottie had been chasing the cats. Repeatedly. We would reprimand her and she'd stop and behave herself. So silly me I think we're getting the issue under control. Then came last Thursday. I was outside when my 14y/o starts screaming at our rottie and yelling No!!! I came in to find my cat bleeding all over the place from his back paw and laying sort of limp. It turned out the rottie had finally "caught" him. I rushed him into the vet he was treated for a 1/4 in cut to his paw and shock. I called the vet Friday morning to make an appt to have the rottie put down. I did NOT want this to happen but as a responsible pet owner I can't let this go on. As a responsible pet owner I know it should have been done long ago, but I just kept thinking I could "fix" her. She is almost 11y/o. I was informed by the vet that she would be required to put her down. She is now considered a "dangerous" dog. I feel so horribly guilty that this could have been avoided if only I had listened to my head and my heart. So now I sit here and cry not only for her life ending (she was put down Friday) but also for the fact that my other animals had to suffer cause I just could not see reality