The decision was taken from our hands

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
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Marseilles, Illinois, USA
As some of you know our rottie was having some aggression issues over the past year. We had "explained away" each and every incident. One of them put our golden at the vets to have a huge bruise drained. One of them put our pup in surgery to have a 2 inch cut closed. Each incident was put off to them playing rough. Well recently our rottie had been chasing the cats. Repeatedly. We would reprimand her and she'd stop and behave herself. So silly me I think we're getting the issue under control. Then came last Thursday. I was outside when my 14y/o starts screaming at our rottie and yelling No!!! I came in to find my cat bleeding all over the place from his back paw and laying sort of limp. It turned out the rottie had finally "caught" him. I rushed him into the vet he was treated for a 1/4 in cut to his paw and shock. I called the vet Friday morning to make an appt to have the rottie put down. I did NOT want this to happen but as a responsible pet owner I can't let this go on. As a responsible pet owner I know it should have been done long ago, but I just kept thinking I could "fix" her. She is almost 11y/o. I was informed by the vet that she would be required to put her down. She is now considered a "dangerous" dog. I feel so horribly guilty that this could have been avoided if only I had listened to my head and my heart. So now I sit here and cry not only for her life ending (she was put down Friday) but also for the fact that my other animals had to suffer cause I just could not see reality :(
Sorry to hear about the rottweiler, and all the animals that were hurt- are they okay? The cat accident sounded pretty bad- I know shock can do some pretty bad things to animals.

I know the feeling, most of us here have probably experienced something similar to it- You know what's right, and you know it has to be done, but you put it off and put it off, feeling like you can "fix" the problem... Than something happens, and the situation gets worse, and you know that it just has to end- you just couldn't let it go on anymore.

I understand your decision- as hard as it must have been- but I'm sure it was for the best in the long run.

RIP, Rottie.

nermal71 wrote:
I feel so horribly guilty that this could have been avoided if only I had listened to my head and my heart. So now I sit here and cry not only for her life ending (she was put down Friday) but also for the fact that my other animals had to suffer cause I just could not see reality :(
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I'm sure there are regrets all around - about your other pets - about her.

Sometimes we can't handle the "truth" at first till it comes up and kicks us in the rear or knocks us over the head.

Once you recognized "reality" - you did what was the right thing for your other animals.

I'm sorry for your loss - I truly am. But please don't beat yourself up over not being willing to see the truth. Sometimes we love others so much - even pets - that we overlook the truth due to our fear of losing them.

I hope your animals recover speedily!

If it makes you feel any better, as an 11 year old, large breed doggie, she was likely nearing the end of her days fairly soon (10-12 years is standard). The fact that she is 11 years old suggests to me that she was probably suffering from dementia.

My husky is 14, and he has now forgotten most of his discipline from when he was even 10 years old. I do not trust him the way I used to. I go home every 2 weeks, and heoften forgets who I am, lunging and growling. If my brothers and sisters were as young as the little person in your avatar is, my dog would have been killed a long time ago.

Whena dog'smind goes, you can never control them or trust them again. I'm sureyour rottiewas a wonderful dog and family member while her mind was sound, but she was obviouslyobeyed her instincts more than her respect for you over this past year. It wasn't bc she was an old rottie; she was an old, mentally-unstable dog.

It was time. Good for you for making the right decision (I am so glad your kids were never harmed!!!)
I'm sorry you had to face this decision. I do agree with NorthernAutumn that animals and humans both reach dementia if its in their work up and you can't "see it" in aminals,its different than your aged relatives, but you can "talk" to your "aged" relatives..

Sorry this happend to you and yours and I think you did the best thing you could do for yourself and the dog. (who was under stress).

Know it was hard, but I'm sure the dog knew you loved him/her. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you. Were all just a "heartbeat" away from your situation, so know your not alone.

The little person in the avatar is my grandson. I don't see him except once or twice a year so luckily he has not been around her. When he has been here she was put outside or crated in another room.
I'm glad that no little ones like your grandson or small children, or adults or teens - and other furry companions - were harmed or severely injured. I think it was for the best. I hope time to heal will proceed, and you will be at ease. Grateful your rottweiler did not maim anyone/anybun/anypet in addition to those who suffered already. My thoughts remain on the dutch girl pictures you posted earlier. She looks like a sweetheart... tf
That was what made the final decision for us. Well before the vet told me I had no choice in the matter. I homeschool 3 teenaged boys. They are home alone 4 hours a day while I work and the thought was always a "what if they start to goof around and she takes it wrong" type thing? As soon as I get her slide show up on my myspace I will post a link here for you all to go visit. She truly was a wonderful girl. She just got old and cranky. Her hips were going on her and while we knew we would not be taking her to Texas when the time came none of us was fully prepared to have to do this so quickly.

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