The Dastardly World of Technology...according to Di

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Well, to be more specific, this is my gripe regards my ISP (provider). Some time back I decided to switch from my regular phone service and have everything - phone, cable, Internet - all through one company. In my area it's Rogers Cable. They called me one weekend and gave me a long, convincing schpiel about the advantages and savings I'd have if I switched everything over to them. So - being the gullible not-so-technical person that I am - I did.

Everything was fine for about two weeks. Had my favorite networks on tv, Internet was running well (when my computer felt like complying), and the phone was handy-dandy too. All was well in the land of Di and company. But would I leave it all at that, peaceful, serene, not a care in the (electronic) world?


Along came Yofi. And when he arrived, I decided that the best setup I could have in the house would be to open up the *bunny room* (previously known as my son's bedroom) so both he and Anna could roam it freely even when I wasn't there - assuming, of course, that bonding them would go well. Prior to Yofi's arrival I would let Anna out of her cage whenever I was home, and she would have free roam of all rooms except for my bedroom, and she would have supervised roam of the *bunny room*, since it wasn't quite bunny-userfriendly. My computer was in there, and along with the computer - and the conversion to Rogers Cable high-tech, state-of-the-art handy-dandy service - there was miles upon miles of cable and wire. Seriously...if I were to string together all the wires and cables that now sit behind the computer, I could probably plug it in somewhere near Ocala, Florida...and still have some left over.

Now,because all that rubber-coated wire was just a tad too tempting for lavicious lagomorph lips (and teeth), I decided to move the computer into my bedroom...the one room where no bunny dare pray enter. And so one fine afternoon I took up the challenge. Thanks to my son (who now lives 5-1/2 hours away...and I suspect I know why :X) my basement looks like a giant spider moved in and set up house. Cable wires run everywhere...including one that my son purchased and installed for the spare tv in my bedroom. However, also thanks to him, I did have that extra cable wire in my bedroom, and thus was able to forge ahead with my great computer move. So...3 hours later (after grappling with the computer and it's never-ending entrails of wires and whatnot) I managed to move computer, monitor, speakers, and desk from the rabbits' room into mine. And I was proud of myself too, for I only had to unplug two things, and disconnect the cable. Once in my bedroom I set the computer up again, patting myself on the back for a job well done. Then I turned it on.

No Internet. Huh? Why was the Internet not flowing from the ethers into my clunker of a computer like it had in the other room? I checked every cable, rechecked every plug, and tried Firefox again.
Nothing. Well, almost nothing. I did get that dreaded "The page cannot be displayed" message that every PC user both curses and fears. But that was it. So I then went on to spend the next hour attempting to figure out what I did wrong...retracing my steps, going back over the plug-ins and plug-outs, jiggling wires and pulling hair, but all was for naught. My Internet simply refused to be.

Finally I decided to call Tech Support at Rogers. Surely they could help me in my time of need. After all, everything had worked in the other room...there must be some minor detail I was overlooking. So I picked up the phone, ready todial their "Technical Help for Technically-Challenged Users Who Shouldn't Be Left Alone With A PC" line.

Nothing. No dialtone.

What the H-E-doublehockeysticks?!?!! What had happened to my phone? It had been working a few hours earlier, when one of those "Can I just have a moment of your time, ma'am?" solicitors who always interrupt seriously important home events called...but now...nothing? What theheck did I do???

So I went back to the computer, this timefrustrated and desperate. I wiggled and jiggled more wires, plugged and unplugged things, then applied the ultimate, top-secret rule of home-fixing technical stuff...I cursed and booted the side of the computer. (Only lightly, mind you...Ido not normally abuse computers *saidjust in case any computer police are reading this*.)

And guess what...tada!...I had the Internet. Thank you, I muttered to thecomputer-god in the sky (whose name I think is Archangel Gates). As soon as I got online I looked up technical help for Rogers on the Internet, and I fired off an anxious email to them, stating my case - that I moved my computer, lost the Internet, then lost the phone, then got the Internet back...and could they please tell me what in cyberspace's name happened to my phone line. Then I sat back, mulled my situation, and went for coffee.

Surprisingly, when I got back there was a reply in my Inbox. And here (paratyping of course, as I deleted it some time ago) was what they said:

"Dear Customer,
Thank you for your question about your computer issue. The first thing we would like to address is the fact that you moved your computer from it's original position. You should not have done this. Please move everything back to where the technician had originally installed the lines, and do not move it again. If you still experience problems after this, then you may contact us at" blah blah blah blah blah..."

*sigh*. I closed the email and pondered. Then I got upset. There was no way I was going to move the computer back to the other room again, given that it now housed two very curiosity-driven bunnies. And besides...who exactly is Rogers to dictate to a person where they can and cannot have a computer in their own home? I pay the mortgage...I live here...AND I'm female...I have the right to choose to redecorate if I so wish! Right? Right?

Now I was fuming in my own frustration. Ofcourse most of this fury was actually arising from the fact that I don't know how to set up anything easier than the controls on a microwave (and even then, I get it wrong), but still, I did think I had a point. However, since it was getting late in the day I decided to let it go, and take care of things the next morning. So I slept on it, and a day later headed over to my sister's house to borrow her telephone (since I had so eloquently killed mine).

I called Rogers Technical guys, and after only 20 minutes of waiting, got a real human to talk to. So I quickly explained to this person (who gave me the impression that I was rudelyinterrupting his day) my problems, starting with the fact that I'd moved my computer, and finishing with the now existing problem of no phone, and the fact that I was calling from my sister's house because of it.

The first thing hesaid to me was, "You MOVED your computer?!? BLASPHEMY!!!!!Put it back to where it was right now and don't touch it again!!!" (Well, okay...I threw in the blasphemy part...but I'm sure he was thinking it.) I waited for a moment, anger once again building like a stifled burp that wouldn't go away, and then explained to him that no, I could not move the computer back to the other room because it was now being occupied by two bunnies. And at this point I'm sure he was thinking that he had a certified nutball on the other end of the line. He paused, and then asked, "Did you say...rabbits?" Yes, I replied...rabbits. It was their room and I certainly couldn't put the computer back in there.

Another pause.

Then he said, "Ma'am...(I hate when people call me that, btw) had no right to move the computer once our technician had set everything up. MOVE IT BACK to it's original installation and don't move it again. Then we can help you to get it running."

Now I was getting furious. This was MY computer, MY house, My service that I was paying for...and they were dictating how I could place it? I don't think so! I was all set to tell this guy off (well, in my mind anyway...I'm too much of a wuss to actually do so out loud) when he said, "I can give you a number to call where you can get further help if you need it".

Fine, I agreed...I would call the new number. But I wasn't going to ask for help. I was going to cancel everything. Phone, cable, Internet...I'd had it with Rogers and their lack of help for the technically-deficient public (and I was beginning to suspect that I was at the top of that list). So give me the number...I'll call...and I will be rid of this annoying, useless service once and for all.

So I called the number. Was put on hold for 30 minutes this time. Finally got to speak to a real human (support person 532, no doubt). I explained to him all that had happened (to which he initially responded with "You moved the computer??? You have to put it back!"), and was about to tell him to cancel everything - in my most threatening, annoyed voice, of course - when he interrupted and said he had an idea. Holding back a deep sigh, I listened.

Ten minutes later I not only did not cancel my phone, Internet, or cable, but now I also was going to be receiving a brand-spanking new cell phone, along with an additional monthly fee...all because it was a good deal. And because I'm a marshmallow.

This little technical interlude in my life took place a few weeks ago. I now have my cell phone, handily tucked away in my purse. Oh's at home. I forgot to bring it with me this morning. And last weekend I decided to clean my bedroom and rearrange the furniture just ever so slightly. Of course the computer had to move eight feet to the left...which meant I had to unplug it and - after struggling with the massive jungle of wires and cables - slide it to it's new location, since I wanted my bed to take up it's old space. So I did so, and then plugged everything back in, turned it on, and waited with baited breath...

And of course, you got home phone. Again.

But hey, at least I now have a handy-dandy new cell phone that is sitting somewhere in my bedroom, probably turned off...which I will use when I call Rogers Technical service once again to tell them what I've done. Of course, since I'm probably on their "Callers Who Need Psychological Help" list, I could be waiting a long time before I get through to them again. Ah well, it doesn't matter...I don't think I could afford to make the call anyway and ask for assistance...I'd probably wind up purchasing part of their company or something.
Oh Di, how classic :p. I'm fortunate in that I have technical skills, so won't let those know-it-all tech support types talk down to me.

"What kind of system is this, that I unplug it and it stops working? You have got to be kidding me."

Our version of Rogers on the West Coast is Shaw cable, and thankfully, they have wonderful customer service.

Telus on the other hand...

[align=center]No offense but that was freakin hilarious to read![/align]
[align=center]"Don't move your cmoputer" :crazinessWTH??? :huh[/align]
[align=center]Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan If someone EVER told me that... I seriously would have canceled. LOL. Just for the fact that they freak if you move it. Man, Do you actually expect me not to be able to move my own stuff around?! [/align]
[align=center]Thanks for the laughs![/align]
I'm beginning to think somebody switched holidays on me, as it must be April Fool's Day...I went home last night to discover not only is my home phone not working (still haven't called them back about that one), but... my Internet is completely gone. The modem is dead. Lifeless. Lying on it's side like a beached whale at low tide. :tears2:

And I swear, Yofi was not in the room.

I'm thinkin', the cable gods are angry at me...:hiding:

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