The Dark Knight

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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
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Elven Grove, Florida, USA
We went to see the sneak preview tonight. I enjoyed the movie, but it made me sad. I was a Heath Ledger fan, since 10 Things I Hate About You. His smile and sparkle in his eyes always caught me off guard and made me smile back to the screen. His performance in this movie was beyond any performance I've ever seen him give. If you're in any way a fan of this genre of movie, I think you will enjoy the film.
I did a tribute post to Heath in my blog...the pic links are broken now.. I need to fix them, but I felt the same way about him...

I for one, am so looking forward to his performance.. and even bought the action figure!

Here is a copy and paste of my blog posted on Jan 22nd, the evening he died..

Better a silly girl with a flower, than a silly man with a horse and a stick...

It's called a lance... hello...

Heath Ledger died today, at age 28. I don't usually buy into the whole celebrity bull. But this particular celebrity's passing has left me deeply saddened..

I found him mesmerizing, and was anxiously awaiting his turn as the Joker.. yes I even watched him in "Brokeback Mountain".

But he was more than that for me.

No it wasn't an obsession. I do ren faires. When "A Knight's Tale" came out, it totally redid the way alot of us did our characters. I myself spent 4 years announcing the jousts, and just about anything else, with my big mouth, and over the top demeanor, just like Jeffery Chaucer/Paul Bettany did."Yes, behold my lord Ulrich, the rock, the hard place, like a wind from Guilderland he sweeps by blown far from his homeland in search of glory and honor, we walk in the garden of his turbulence."

Then I got reassigned as Mad Juana of Spain (yeah I know, go figure)

Alot of us worked quotes from the movie into our characters dialogs...

"And one and two and twirlie twirlie twirlie! And one and two and you're still getting it wrong! And one and two and three and four you can hit me all day cause you punch like a... what?.......A GIRL!!!!"

"He's blond, he's pi**ed, he'll see you in the lists, Lichtenstein! He's blond, he's tanned, he comes from Gelderland, he comes from Gelderland! Gelderland, Gelderland, Gelderland... Gelderland, Gelderland, Gelderland...He's quick, he's funny, he makes me lots of money, Lichtenstein! Lichtenstein! "

Or the whole troupe's ALL TIME fav..

"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."

MOST WANTING!! that always gives me a chuckle..

But then The Brother's Grimm came out in August of 2005... I love costume's.. and I love Heath Ledger.
I was kinda disappointed, but Heath Ledger was amusing when he did the little diddy dancing at the end.. and the *witch hunting is quite a lucrative business* drunken speech in the pub..
I grew up reading Grimm's fairy tale's, so I accepted it for what it was, fairy tales, and bought the DVD.

But then... THEN.. Casanova came December of 2005, and it made me forgive him for The Brother's Grimm. As I said, I adore costume movies..


I had to go to Carnivale... HAD TO...


I walked among the same streets seen in the movie, the Doge's Palace, rode in a Gondola...the movie inspired me,much as Heath's effort in a Knight's Tale inspired my whole troupe some 4 years earlier.

I have some pretty remarkable eyes, I am told..


Which is basically the only way you can recognize me in my Carnivale costume..




It was the experience of a lifetime, spurned by seeing one Heath Ledger movie.

I do recall seeing him as the handsome son who tragically died in *The Patriot*, that disturbed me, but also made me pick up a few books about the Revolutionary War.

I just recently, as in a couple of weekends ago saw a movie he was in called *Candy*, the level of depravity and tragedy in that movie just left an indelible imprint on my psyche, and literally put me in awe of his acting range.. well that and Geoffery Rush's as well.

I do read fashion magazine's, and they spent alot of time putting Heath on their worst dressed list, really chiding him. I recall looking at the pics and thinking *grungy Meth/heroin chic.. he needs help.* Perhaps if more people inquired about his well being and critiqued him less about his appearance...

I may be jumping the gun.. it could have been natural causes, it could have been an accident, it could have been complications from his reported bout with pneumonia.. who knows.

I for one will miss his talent, and seeing how bright his star would have shined in the future.

I will close this with a quote from A Knight's Tale, and a thought.

"A man can change his stars"

For Heath I guess we will just never know.

I believe the official report was that it was a chemical cocktail of prescribed drugs that did him in. :( Although when you wrote that post, that was not yet known.
Im excited to see the movie Friday. I wanted to see it in IMAX but the evening shows were all sold out and I dont want to wait until Saturday. I agree its going to be bittersweet :?
I'm going on Friday afternoon with some friends hopefully.
Whenever I see Christian Bale in something other than Newsies it freaks me out though.
I am looking forward to seeing it too. No idea when it's going to come out in NZ as we normally get movies way after everyone else for some reason.
It will start showing here today...Thursday 17th...i have heard though that it's supposed to be an awesome movie.
We went to see this tonight. I've not gone to see the other Batman movies or really watched them - but I loved Heath Ledger as an actor and so I wanted to see it.

The movie was really dark - I had to look away or close my eyes many times - I don't watch movies like this...

At the end of the movie - several in the audience applauded.

I don't know that I could watch it again - but I'm glad I went to see it this time.

I saw it today and loved it. There was quite a bit of applauding in my theater.

Like I said earlier though, it's hard for me to picture Christian Bale as anyone other than Jack Kelly.

(Any other Newsies fans here?)
I loved Christian Bale in Newsies as well... really freaked me out when he was Patrick Bateman in American Psycho...

.......*Do you like Huey Lewis and the news? ........Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercial and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humour. *

Yeah.. I own it on DVD..

I was suppose to go see The Dark Knight today.. but some teenage boy slept till 2:30.. and now im just to cheesed to go..
TinysMom wrote:
The movie was really dark - I had to look away or close my eyes many times - I don't watch movies like this...

YAY! Batman is very dark. Which is why I am a huge Batman fan.

Glad you were atleast happy you watched it though.
Wow........just WOW! I am stunned by this movie. BEYOND STUNNED! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and to be honest:

I hardly even noticed Ledger. He was soooooooo amazing in his performance that he WAS the Joker. That is the mark of an out of this world actor. When you can't even see the actor behind the character he is portraying, that is when you know that they are gold.

I will definitely be seeing this movie again. I'm so happy that they are staying true to the spirit of Batman. I hate seeing those bubblegum pop versions of my favorite superheros. Batman is dark. Pick up any of his graphic novels and it's imediatly clear from the cover that this is no feel good comic.

That being said. Yeah, I'm definitely going to miss Ledger. Such an amazing actor.

myLoki wrote:
I will definitely be seeing this movie again. I'm so happy that they are staying true to the spirit of Batman. I hate seeing those bubblegum pop versions of my favorite superheros. Batman is dark. Pick up any of his graphic novels and it's imediatly clear from the cover that this is no feel good comic.

Oh man you know what I mean!:biggrin2:

myLoki wrote:
I will definitely be seeing this movie again. I'm so happy that they are staying true to the spirit of Batman. I hate seeing those bubblegum pop versions of my favorite superheros. Batman is dark. Pick up any of his graphic novels and it's imediatly clear from the cover that this is no feel good comic.

Oh man you know what I mean!:biggrin2:
