the Daddy

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this is the Daddy Bunny,
his name isStubby lol for god reason his mommy got carried away with the groominghe has no ears nor tail he is a pure bred dutch , from what the breedertold me when she wanted to be rid of him and his brother , i gladlyaccepted him even with out papers
Bless your heart for taking him. That's so cool!

I have both him and his brother he is the daddyto the 12 babies with Lightning , he is the calmer of the pair lolNubbins on hte other hand thinks he is Bunzilla lol both only weigh inat about 2 lbs ( dwarf ?) Lightning on the other hand is about 3 - 1/2lb. i didnt mean to start a new thread dang it i was trying to add itto the one i have already going but managed to oops as usual lol, wheni crop down the Mommys pic i will attempt to put it in htis thread (hopefull )
your welocome its great to be back !!!
this is the Mommy bunny who when matched with said above bunny pops out a grand total of 12 lol
rasafrackin,snarkin ,bunny
gypsy wrote:
Nubbins on hte other hand thinks he is Bunzilla lol bothonly weigh in at about 2 lbs ( dwarf ?)

What is with it with the smallest bunnies thinking they'retough? My Polish (4 lbs.) bullies my Flemish and stares herdown with such aglare.

I'm so glad you have Stubby. He was lucky to have you stopby. Lyndsy has a rabbit who's mother got carried away andnibbled off her little bun's ear. Doc said to watch out forcertain toys. Here's what she had posted in her Tucker andBusterthread.

"So I think I need some MORE challenging toys?!? I think i'm going toget them a little container to dig in, shread up some news papre forthem and let them dig it. I have to be careful of what I give thembecause of little Tuckers ear. It's a little stub, and the ear cavity,(a couple of wholes) is exposed. So my vet advised me to use somethinglike paper, so it won't get stuck in his ear and cause problems..."

It sounds as if you've got your hands full with those trouble bubbles. Stay on your toes!

lol not only do i have to stay on my toes withthe nibbled twins i have to lock the garage when the kid is home lolcant have a repeat of the 12 babies till i can get them all registeredto which i am totally clueless as to how to go about , the owner of theDam never registered the litter because the boys were usless for show (grrrrrrr ) so she has no paper work for them can i just register themor is there a proceedure i must follow to do this Mommy was neverregistered either to my knowledge ??/
looks around confuddled
Didn't know you had 12 babies. :shock:

You should ask Pamnock about registering, etc. She's theexpert here on showing rabbits as she's an ARBA Judge and she'd knowwhere to direct you..

She's really helpful. The Best we have, no doubt.

It's obviously you deeply love your troublemakers. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the cute stories.


lol ty i will PM Pamm when i get back fromgetting miss breeder lol hubby has a name for Mr Nubbins beings myhusband is 220 lbs of muscle and this little 2 lb rabbit thinks he isall it and a bag of chips he calles him the Fearless Earless lol
gypsy they are adorable! I love dutch bunnies :)

I can't wait to see the babies as they grow.... I hope you are a picture taking mad woman :)
It is so good that you took in the proud pappaand his brother. Boy, I bet he has been strutting aroundsince fathering the 12 little ones. LOL
well i will assume by the guidlines Lanna thatmy boys cannot be pedigreed nor registered ( snif ) the Mommy took theears ooff one and the ears a nd tail off the other therefore makingthem have no ear length ( sob ) i may be able to get the 3 generationsfor the boys as the Lady i got them from has the mother and papers forher and she shows the mom , as for my Lightning well she being a rescuei am sure the bunny mill ( per police ) i got her from have no recordson her :?:X Thank You for the information Lanna i apppreciate it

Congrats' on taking in the boys. I too have an earless boy! And let metell you, it doesn't affect a darnthing, does it? LMBO!:)

Also congrats' on the litter! 12 kits, that's alot, dad must be struttin' his bunny butt all over the place... ;)

You have gorgeous bunnies,

lol i sure will , i figure by thursday they willhave hit a stride and have changed some in appearence lol gottaremember tho no flashlight in the cage to check them out so far itLightning 3 flashlights 0 lol she has killed 3 already gotta watch themvicious flashlights ya know
That is too funny. Apollo has truck rage andLightening has flashlijght rage. The things that set some bunnies offlol. CAn't wait to see more pics.


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