I'm wondering if anyone can help me here. I have a spayed, female bunny who is approximately 7 1/2.
It started back in July when I noticed she had a bit of blood in her pee. I made a vet appointment immediately for the next day and while I waited did some research. It was there that I read and first learned about uterine cancer...and, the next day, I mentioned this to my vet. However, she seemed unconcerned and did a urine test (not a culture though) to discover what she believed to be a UTI...and I received ChlorPalm. However, the blood did not stop and eventually I took her in for Xrays and such (found nothing abnormal) a ultrasound/spay anyway...and my vet discovered a HUGE tumor. On the inside of the tumor it was infected and this is where the urine test was showing an infection. Luckily it didn't spread, it was removed, and she did great for about 2 months. Her binkying well as a ton of energy!
Then...the other problems began.
She started dribbing pee (October 10th)...or so it seemed. Took her to the vet and she tried to get a urine sample, but my bun refused. She gave me another round of ChlorPalm in case it was a UTI. The dribbling did stop, but the antibiotic upset her tummy and I had to quit. The dribbling started back up again after a while (Oct28) and I made another vet appointment hoping to get another urine test...or culture...or something because I was also wondered if it could actually be diarrea instead. I brought pictures along, gross as it is. The only thing my vet gave was fluids and suggested I feed more hay less pellets. Bunni had also been sneezing occasionally at this time, but since there was no discharge, the vet said it must be allergies and not to worry...but to keep an eye out for anything.
Aside from having to get some flea treatment (friend came over from a flea-infested household and told me AFTERWARDS), she seemed to improve a little and I decided to wait it out because it may be a tummy upset from the antibioitc. The dribbling stopped for a bit, but she wasn't as active as she'd been those two months after the spay. It turned into mushy stools (at change in diet) which turned into less poops and finally no poops + stopping eating + gas + bloat and I took her into the emergency vet. He felt a lump and thought it was possibly cancer and took some xrays. The xrays showed a massive poop blockage (I cried happily afterward in the car for it not being another tumor), for which he prescribed lactulose. However, he also told me not to feed her at all for a whole 24hours. My knowledge of rabbits told me that you should never fast a bunny, so I tried my best to get her to eat just hay and no pellets...which she accepted after the first laxative dose.
I had a vet recheck at my regular vet the next day, and she said that since the lump was gone and she's eating to quit the lactulose. So I did. She also gave her some fluids. She did a regular checkup and all seemed well...except for the scratching had begun again...and no matter what I did, the occasional sneezing was still there. She checked her ears for mites but found nothing (she was mostly picking at her ears) she suggested I try Revolution one more time in case it's fleas again.
Four days ago, I saw a weird gross-like yellow goop slightly below her nose. I called the vet and she said she'd fill me a prescription for Orbax and I could pick it up...and she's been on it since. I haven't seen anything other than a bit of wetness under her nose since. Her occasional sneezes continue. Her scratching continues. I tried a humidifier/air purifier because my house is very dry and I wanted to see if it helped a possible allergy, but it did nothing.
Now brings us to the present. She started spotting again, but this time it's more browny and there's a lot more of it. There are still poops, but they're mushy and a bit mishapen.
I decided to be a detective. I noticed that she was eating quite a bit of her poop (more than just her special night poop things), her appetite decrease (especially the interest in hay), the random sneezing, scratching around back of ear, the random block of poop in her intestine...and it hit me. Dental problems in the molars? Eating poop to sustain herself because it's softer. Not feeling like chewing on hay. Sneezing because it's irritating her nose/ear. Teeth grinding because it hurts.
Since I wanted to get the dribbling looked at again anyway, I made a vet appointment for today at the other vet (my usual vet is out of town until next tues). She said that everything appeared to be really good (she had the xrays from last time) except for a few sharp, pokey back teeth (nothing too extreme, because she's not drooling, but should get filed down). She didn't have the proper things to do this, so I have to wait until my vet gets back to get her teeth worked on. However...she determined that the dribbling must be coming from her but...soooo diarrea. She asked that I get her tested at my regular vet for other diseases to rule them out. Because I was still giving her the Orbax, I wondered if I should quit (that could be causing the spotting this time) and she said to finish off the dosage (even though I don't think it's helping the sneezing part at all) because this type of dental problem does not usually cause sneezing.
Now I'm supposed to keep an eye on her and make sure she's eating/pooping until Tuesday. My problem is that I kind of feel like the vets aren't addressing the problem at all. I try looking online and it says "Get to a Vet!" but what happens if my vet does not really solve the problem?
Anyway..any ideas what could be causing these water-poo magical events? If it helps, before it happens, she usually gurgles (assuming gas). She still loudly grinds her teeth...but it's not always hunched anymore. Whenever I hear gurgles I give her a bit of the simethicone (sp?) gas stuff. I'd just really like an idea of where to start....because unless I recommend a test, the vet will continue to suck out my money with pointless re-exams. These pointless recheck exams are expensive and I fear that I wont be able to afford it when the time comes that she seriously needs it.
It started back in July when I noticed she had a bit of blood in her pee. I made a vet appointment immediately for the next day and while I waited did some research. It was there that I read and first learned about uterine cancer...and, the next day, I mentioned this to my vet. However, she seemed unconcerned and did a urine test (not a culture though) to discover what she believed to be a UTI...and I received ChlorPalm. However, the blood did not stop and eventually I took her in for Xrays and such (found nothing abnormal) a ultrasound/spay anyway...and my vet discovered a HUGE tumor. On the inside of the tumor it was infected and this is where the urine test was showing an infection. Luckily it didn't spread, it was removed, and she did great for about 2 months. Her binkying well as a ton of energy!
Then...the other problems began.
She started dribbing pee (October 10th)...or so it seemed. Took her to the vet and she tried to get a urine sample, but my bun refused. She gave me another round of ChlorPalm in case it was a UTI. The dribbling did stop, but the antibiotic upset her tummy and I had to quit. The dribbling started back up again after a while (Oct28) and I made another vet appointment hoping to get another urine test...or culture...or something because I was also wondered if it could actually be diarrea instead. I brought pictures along, gross as it is. The only thing my vet gave was fluids and suggested I feed more hay less pellets. Bunni had also been sneezing occasionally at this time, but since there was no discharge, the vet said it must be allergies and not to worry...but to keep an eye out for anything.
Aside from having to get some flea treatment (friend came over from a flea-infested household and told me AFTERWARDS), she seemed to improve a little and I decided to wait it out because it may be a tummy upset from the antibioitc. The dribbling stopped for a bit, but she wasn't as active as she'd been those two months after the spay. It turned into mushy stools (at change in diet) which turned into less poops and finally no poops + stopping eating + gas + bloat and I took her into the emergency vet. He felt a lump and thought it was possibly cancer and took some xrays. The xrays showed a massive poop blockage (I cried happily afterward in the car for it not being another tumor), for which he prescribed lactulose. However, he also told me not to feed her at all for a whole 24hours. My knowledge of rabbits told me that you should never fast a bunny, so I tried my best to get her to eat just hay and no pellets...which she accepted after the first laxative dose.
I had a vet recheck at my regular vet the next day, and she said that since the lump was gone and she's eating to quit the lactulose. So I did. She also gave her some fluids. She did a regular checkup and all seemed well...except for the scratching had begun again...and no matter what I did, the occasional sneezing was still there. She checked her ears for mites but found nothing (she was mostly picking at her ears) she suggested I try Revolution one more time in case it's fleas again.
Four days ago, I saw a weird gross-like yellow goop slightly below her nose. I called the vet and she said she'd fill me a prescription for Orbax and I could pick it up...and she's been on it since. I haven't seen anything other than a bit of wetness under her nose since. Her occasional sneezes continue. Her scratching continues. I tried a humidifier/air purifier because my house is very dry and I wanted to see if it helped a possible allergy, but it did nothing.
Now brings us to the present. She started spotting again, but this time it's more browny and there's a lot more of it. There are still poops, but they're mushy and a bit mishapen.
I decided to be a detective. I noticed that she was eating quite a bit of her poop (more than just her special night poop things), her appetite decrease (especially the interest in hay), the random sneezing, scratching around back of ear, the random block of poop in her intestine...and it hit me. Dental problems in the molars? Eating poop to sustain herself because it's softer. Not feeling like chewing on hay. Sneezing because it's irritating her nose/ear. Teeth grinding because it hurts.
Since I wanted to get the dribbling looked at again anyway, I made a vet appointment for today at the other vet (my usual vet is out of town until next tues). She said that everything appeared to be really good (she had the xrays from last time) except for a few sharp, pokey back teeth (nothing too extreme, because she's not drooling, but should get filed down). She didn't have the proper things to do this, so I have to wait until my vet gets back to get her teeth worked on. However...she determined that the dribbling must be coming from her but...soooo diarrea. She asked that I get her tested at my regular vet for other diseases to rule them out. Because I was still giving her the Orbax, I wondered if I should quit (that could be causing the spotting this time) and she said to finish off the dosage (even though I don't think it's helping the sneezing part at all) because this type of dental problem does not usually cause sneezing.
Now I'm supposed to keep an eye on her and make sure she's eating/pooping until Tuesday. My problem is that I kind of feel like the vets aren't addressing the problem at all. I try looking online and it says "Get to a Vet!" but what happens if my vet does not really solve the problem?
Anyway..any ideas what could be causing these water-poo magical events? If it helps, before it happens, she usually gurgles (assuming gas). She still loudly grinds her teeth...but it's not always hunched anymore. Whenever I hear gurgles I give her a bit of the simethicone (sp?) gas stuff. I'd just really like an idea of where to start....because unless I recommend a test, the vet will continue to suck out my money with pointless re-exams. These pointless recheck exams are expensive and I fear that I wont be able to afford it when the time comes that she seriously needs it.