The big bunny rescue in South Florida

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Charlotte County, FL // Camden County,NJ, , USA
Mostly due to a woman's home being forclosed on, whilst she was housing 26 bunnies in her back yard - we've been working our tails off. On top of those bunnies, we have 6 more coming in, one of which has three legs and may require surgery.

We've also had five owner surrenders. We're piled in bunnies.

Thanks for all your help, for spreading the word and helping with raising funds for the rescue of 30+ bunnies in the south Florida area, due to a woman's home being forclosed. We've got lots of wonderful bunnies at the rescue, and they are all fortunately safe now. We also raised all the funds to air condition the 20' x 22' bunny room and build six new play pens! You guys are the best.

Many still need to be spayed and neutered though, and we're in dire need of a shed for the yard to store carriers and other supplies.

We're at 80% of our goal for this large-scale rescue, and we've got a three legged bunny coming in this next week who will likely need surgery and special care, along with four other bunnies all over 2 years of age, who need to be spayed / neutered.

We need your help! So please, stop by and show your support - and go to "Chip In", evenjust a few dollars will help us reach our goal, and help us help them.

We love you guys, thanks for all your support!

