The Belfast Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
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Belfast, , United Kingdom
I will start my bunny blog here. This blog isfor my current rabbit, Moon a gorgeous dutch rabbit I got last may, andmy soon to be home new adopted rabbit, an agouti netherland dwarfcalled Digger, who I will rename Munchkin. I'll attach Diggers picbelow, although I took it on my phone today, so not great quality.

Digger should have come home with me today but he has to see the vetagain this afternoon, and as I suspect he might have mites, I've askedthe shelter to have him checked out while he is in the vets. All beingwell, I should have him home within a week.

Moon is being a bit off with me but I think its because he smells theshelter rabbits on me when I come home. He gave me a kiss yesterday -my first, and looks lovely and healthy. I think he will really thrivewhen he has a friend, and am hoping that Digger and him will be friends.

Here is Moon, taken this week! Digger is muchcuter than that but it was hard to get at him to get a good shot. Hemight have been grumpy because I wasn't taking him home with methough....who knows ;)

thank you! Dutches are special. :)

I love the way the markings change on Moon - for instance he had ablack heart on his back on valentines day, thats moulted off since. Andhe has eyebrow markings too. He is gorgeous and I never stop laughingwhen he is around!

Haley wrote:
Moon is adorable! I love dutches though :D
:bunnyheartBoth are adorable, I cannot wait for more pictures!

Hopefully Digger will be home with you soon!!:D
Digger came home last night. Here is a pic takenabout 30 mins ago. He was binkying around our TV room within an hour,grooming himself constantly and seems very happy.

Our other rabbit Moon has been chasing him when he sees him but itseems to be more play than aggression - any thoughts? He binkied as hechased, and they keep taking breaks and then they startagain....obviously I only allow it to go on intermittantly incase it isstressful on Digger but he seems fine....aside from not letting moonanywhere near him - he is one super fast bunny.

His background is that a girl found him and drove around with him inher car all day back in Feb. She eventually took him to the shelter,and they had to have his teeth removed because they were sticking outof his mouth and so overgrown.

I'm just happy to have him here with us now!
so cute :D
Moon so badly wants to meet Digger but everytime he approaches, Diggerruns off and hides. I know he isn't being aggressive because hisapproach is slow most of the time and his stance is not threatening atall.

Hopefully once Digger feels more settled in he will be more open toMoon. As it is - Moon gets bored trying to make contact and goes off todo his own thing. Digger had very small hard poops the first 2 days,but today they are more normal, so hopefully it was just the stress ofthe move or his medication causing that.

He keeps doing the dead bunny flop behind the TV and has marked the TVroom constantly as his territory. I'm so sick of picking up poops!!!!

They are both adorable! I would think Digger isquite happy in his new hope because of the dbf! Don't worry about thepoos, it should slow down or stop soon. At least it isn't difficult toremove!
Hehe thanks! - I had an extra cage bottom here,so have got his "home" in my bedroom - with top off so he is nevercaged and he sleeps with me at night. He can't chew wires and isn'tdestructive, so I'm not worried about leaving him free range. The extracage bottom is in the TV room in the spot he was marking most, with alitter tray, and I put his food / water bowls in during the day. Heloves it and the pooping elsewhere has totally slowed down - he neverpoops in my room now, and only the odd accident in the TV room.

My daughter says Moon and Munchkin went nose to nose yesterday withouttrouble, but I didn't see it. I did hold them side by side for a bitbut it didn't seem to help munchkin over his nerves. The chasing seemsto be turning into more of a game with munchkin baiting moon to chasehim. He is so fast moon never has a chance of catching him. lol

He is SO happy - he does little mini binkies all over the place, deadbunny flops and he is soooooo cute when we are stroking him - his facegoes flat to the floor. I gave him raisins yesterday and he LOVED them.He also got some romaine lettuce and boy, did he enjoy that. Oh and heloves banana too. Talk about spoiled (in very small doses ;))

I've heard people here talking about their heart bunnies, and althoughI will always adore Moon, Munchkin has well and truly stolen my heart.;)
AwwI know what you mean, I love Maddieand Ebony and Pebble soo much, but Berri will always be my heartbunny even though she's gone to the Bridge.:rainbow:

We need more pictures of the cuties....:whistling
Munchkin is a real character and binkies aroundour bedrooms to wake us up every morning. He has stolen our hearts withhis lovely nature. If we stroke him - he kisses us right back. He lovesraisins too.

Here's some pics of him in his first two weeks with us.....

making friends with his new mummy:


hmmm....any raisins hiding up here?

maybe if I glare, she'll stop pointing that thing at me:

apparently not, *sigh*:

Wow, what a cutie you have there. Aren't Bunny Kisses just the best.

Look forward to many more pictures of Munchkin.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
Munchkin kisses are amazing sooska! He is definitely my heart bunny - such a lovely natured little character.

Well, after seeing the digging box idea with sand someone posted this week - I went to get sand and came back with a sand pit!

My kids are thrilled even though it was meant for the bunnies! Munchkingot in and did not want to get back out - he absolutely loved it inthere, and even decided to have a snooze, at which point I noticed hisnail was bleeding and we had a bit of a panic. Thanks to the memberhere who helped me out with stopping it snugglymum! ;)

Here he is:



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