the after surgery

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
lylonia, Colorado, USA
here are some after surgey picsi lefther be for a couple hours then i brught her upsairs with me( i know sheshould be in her cage) its alot warmer up her and i think it helps herto be around me shes just siting on the bed sleeping i making sure sheisnt running around or anything like that.

there is one thing tho she seems to be grinding her teeth like shewould when shes happy but im not toughing her is she reallyhurting is that why and wha should i do??







Poor baby :( I don't know if they told you ornot, but that eye "goop" is a normal part of surgery. The toothgrinding suggests she's probably in a bit of pain, did they give youmedication to manage her post-op discomfort?
m.e. wrote:
Poorbaby :( I don't know if they told you or not, but that eye "goop" is anormal part of surgery. The tooth grinding suggests she's probably in abit of pain, did they give you medication to manage her post-opdiscomfort?
no pain med she was on some when she left but they said it would wear off by tonight.

She's probably still got some drugs in her systemand she's probably very happy to be home and with you. Ithink those things could create a purr....

If she does the loud and painful grinding, I would worry.

How's she doing on the eating and pooing?

Poor little girl, she looks like she is tired :(
you cna see in the first picture no poops in thelitter pan she ate some greens and a weee bit of hay had a little waterim going to give her more greens tonight before i go to sleep soaked insome water also bo do i feed quaker oats dry???

Yep! only give her a few, cause they are fiber. They will bulk up the poos, but you don't want to stop her up!

I hope she poos a lot like she should :)
Yes, she's probably still in pain as theanesthesia wears off. Kathy Smith in Rabbit Health inthe 21st Century Second Edition recommends non-steroidanti-inflammatory drugs that reduce swelling and inflammation inaddition to reducing pain. She says, "Over-the-counter NSAIDsthat have been safely used in rabbits include aspirin andibuprofen." She contra-indicated Tylenol. She goeson to say, "...they should be given at the lower end of dosagerange....the analgesic that works wonders for one rabbit may do nothingfor another. Effective [long term]pain mangagement mayrequire trying different drugs and adjusting dosages to meet the needsof the individual rabbit...."

My point is, if the vet has not given Lyla pain meds for post operativeconsumption, aspirin may help, but I am at a loss to recommend adosage. Miss Smith does not give one that I canfind and assumes one is working closely with a vet for long term painmanagement.

Perhaps, some one else will have a clue as to recommendeddosage. My first reaction would be think a portionof a child's aspirin would work, but I hesitate to recommend whatportion I would try.

I think it was overnight before Lencipood. Just keep an eye on her. I'd see if she poosby morning. I think Lissa will pop on sometime and tell youfor sure how long it was for Lenci. I know we had a party onthe thread where she told us LOL!
I just read a respectable site thatrecommended one to two baby aspirins for a 4lb bunnysuffering from arthritus pain. I believe you said Lyla was amini-lop so she might be heavier.

It would appear a bunny her size could handle a 81mg baby aspirin, butdon't do it if you have any reluctance about administeringsame. It can be ground up and placed in banana, or syringedin water.

Poor sweetheart!She does look tired. I'm sure it will take a while for her to feel upto moving around. It was a while before Lenci poo'd. I'm sure you couldcheck that thread to find out exactly how long. I'm glad Lyla ishome.

Buck Jones wrote:
Ijust read a respectable site that recommended one to two babyaspirins for a 4lb bunny suffering from arthritus pain. Ibelieve you said Lyla was a mini-lop so she might be heavier.

It would appear a bunny her size could handle a 81mg baby aspirin, butdon't do it if you have any reluctance about administeringsame. It can be ground up and placed in banana, or syringedin water.

thank you buck you have been most helpful as always!!! lyla is aholland lop im going to call the vet tomorrow and see what her exactweight is. thank you soooo much

her appitie hasnt really came back there are somepoops and i put water in A crock for her she wasnt drinking from her bottle.

Aww I hope she starts eating better and pooping more :)

Sounds like she's doing ok for the first 24 hours tho :)

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