The Adventures of Merlin

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2008
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St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
Howdy everyone! I'm dedicating this little "space" to Merlin; my 10 week old Holland Lop bun bun.

Honestly, I have a really hard time calling him Merlin. I coined the name off of a fancy ink pen brand... cause he reminds me of ink spilled all over white paper.... I tend to call him "bun bun" or similar annoying pet names that only sound cute and normal to me.MDMMDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDMDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFMFF=

Sorry about that, Merlin wanted to contribute :bunnyheart

He decided that I must have some more of that yummy green stuff hiding somewhere...maybe in the weird glowing black box......and there he goes under my bed again. He likes to re-arrange the boxes I have under there... guess he doesn't feel too fond of my interior decorating skills.

I find it funny that he loves to play with the things I don't want him to... my shorts,backpack,purse.... the straw mat, carboard houses, willow chews, and rattle just aren't fun cause, well.... those are his.

Litter training is going suprisingly well considering how young he is.... its like he was doing it all along... ( knocking heavily on wood right now...just to be safe):litterhealthy:

We went outside again today to play... he heard a hawk or something (I heard it too) and got scared.... but not before he let out a binkie or seven....

Heidi, one of my doggies, just opened the door... She and Merlin seem to be getting along really well, I think she misses her Olie bunners though.... I do too. Merlin and him would have gotten along great I think.:cry2

[align=center]Merlin 10 weeks[/align]
[align=center]Oliver 9 weeks:rainbow:[/align]
Merlin was ESPECIALLY adiment about getting out early this morning... my one day to snooze:zzzzzin. He started playing with his hangy bell thing starting at 6:45... and then proceeded to begin tugging at the bars of his cage till 7:00 when I reluctantly got up to let him out....

On Saturday I had decided to try keeping him in my room in a larger cage.... Im slightly allergic to rabbits and hay (but of course I can't stand not having them in my life, so alas, I just put up with it:big wink:). It's going pretty well this time.... I tried doing the same thing with Oliver but I immediately contracted a upper respiratory infection within 2 days of having him in my room permanently and the doctor said "no more bunnies jumpin' on the bed", so he had to stay out in the hallway.Oliver always made me sneeze, but Merlin doesn't seem to bother me too much, and he's coming along VERY well with his potty training:bow:litterhealthy:

He has set up camp under my bed, alot like Oliver did.... its dark and tunnely in there...a great place to sleep! He has also found that he can shimmy his tiny body behind my fish tank, and then scratch around like hell to get my attention because I'll think he's "trapped":surrender. The little squirt. I snapped some pics of him playing around, Enjoy!!!!


Thats possibly the most angry face on a bunny I've ever seen! He wants out... NOW!!!!!!


A mini binkie on my bed.....


Has anyone seen Merlin???:shhhh:


The middle of a binkie on his favorite binkie place... my carpet.... couldn't you just pinch those bunny buns???!!!


Hey Mom! Mom! How'd you get up there? Mom! Hey!
Merlin and I haven't had much time to blog...he's been busy growing upand I have been busy at work.:panic:

I really think he has about trippled in size (I forgot how fast they grow!) He's about 14/15 weeks, and acts every bit like a defiant teenager!:brat:He thinks he owns the place now, opening doors, removing clothes from hangers, picking up my keys and tossing them in places I won't think to look, taking the bookmarks out of my books and waving them around in the air... what a little STINKER!!!

Just now he re-arranged my folded clothes so he could make a tunnel out of them, and is currently sleeping in the middle of it all.:yawn::zzzzz

And just the other day I caught him tipping his food container over and shredding his hay bags. He had PLENTY in his house to eat, but maybe it smelled tastier because I didn't want him to have THAT particular stuff.

My boyfriend is getting ready to build him a two storycondo, which I can't wait to help him with. He bought Merlin a "Pet Tent" and oh my goodness does Merlin love it!! He sleeps in that thing like a king, and it's now the only place where he will do dead bunny flops. The website for the tents is but when I tried to go on it today the site woudn't load. I really think they are absolutely FABULOUS for buns... I'm going to try to post some pictures of Merlin's tent this weekend to show everyone. The one Tim (my boyfriend) got for Merlin has a palm tree print on it. very cute!!!

So long for now, I think I'm going to takeafter Merlin and get some ZzzZZzzz's.:yawn:


Here is Merlin's Bachelor Pad:


I just love Merlin's antics - lol! And I've walked by those pet tents a thousand times wondering if Baxter! would like one - I think I may have to pick him up one soon..

I wonder what Merlin is going to think of the condo? Can't wait to hear!
Merlin's Motion Picture Debut.... Hope this works!!!

**It's a rather long video... the end is the very best part so if your pressed for time feel free to "fast foward" through the first 3/4 of it.... I realized just how long I have to wait for Merlin to get over being camera shy!:blushan::camera

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:crashOKay... just kidding.. can't get the video to show up on here... it shows up when Im typing the post, but when I actually post it... it doesn't work.... GRRRRR:banghead

I'll keep trying....
I want you to know that I LOVE Merlin. He is so adorable, and looks so much like my Tallulah... I mean, his face and body shape is so reminiscent of her. Her widdle earsies stood up most of the time when she was a baby, and she always had the ability to lift them up. I want to reach out and pet Merlin. You should post lots more pictures of him to help me feel better! He really does help... I think I need another Holland Lop!
Awww, thanks SnowyShiloh! I always thought Tallulah reminded me of Merlin, their personalities are so similar, and they both are little kissy faces!! If Merlin could meet you, I'd bet he'd hop right up to you and kiss your face! He LOVES to give bunny kisses. I'm glad that Merlin has given you a little peace in your heart, I am still shocked (as I know you are too) little Tallulah has left us. She was such an extraordinarily beautiful girl, such a sweetheart. I told Merlin that she was his girlfriend. I took some quick photos last night and a video with my camera.The video is rather long, but full of Merlin-isms and he does a couple binkies at the end.


Merlin snoozing in his hay box....


...trying to find something to eat.... yep he's SOOOOO starved!


Enjoying a little nibble off of the camera box

Merlin's Movie:


-Kayleigh and Merlin

Awww... Thanks! I guess he is growing up, isn't he? *snif snif* I didn't really notice it, but now that you mention it his coat has changed. My wittle Merlie isn't a baby any more!:pink iris:
bunbunbinkie wrote:

-Kayleigh and Merlin

5:04 looks likes he has black dumbo ears! lol:p:inlove:too cute bunbunbinkie

maisy126 wrote:
5:04 looks likes he has black dumbo ears! lol:p:inlove:too cute bunbunbinkie

HAHA!!:laughsmiley:He sure does!! Thats a great nickname for him!!!

He's VERY mad at me right now:tantrum:... I had to put some mineral oil in his ears earlier today and since then if he sees me he turns his back to me:grumpy:. I tried to "make peace" and gave him his favorite treat and some cilantro..which he couldn't resist:eats:, but he is continuing to ignore me. I think it's so cute how buns will tend to hold grudges for a little while.
Merlin is just SO CUTE! EEEEK! He reminds me so much of a bunny I had once called Annabel, 'cept her ears flopped eventually.

I love all the pics of him exploring, he has that naughty baby bunny glint in his eye :p.
Oh my gosh! Merlin is just SO cute! I want to reach through the screen and pet him lol!

All the pictures, video and stories are adorable, he sounds so cheeky and adventurous, it reminds me of my Chalk, she's just as cheeky!! :D

GREAT blog! :p

Jen xx
Merlin has had quite the day. I was off, so he spent the entire day out and about..but of course hechose to sleep in his bachelor pad once he had enough playtime.:sleep:

Merlin has formed quite a special bond with my boyfriend, Tim. He will sit there and "groom" Tim forever... I think the longest has been 20 minutes. I try not to let Tim know that I am jealous, so I just casualy say "Merlin is grooming you only because he thinks your dirty!" haha. Merlin will give me kisses and groom me a little as well, but he has to be "in the mood". He always seems to be the the mood to kiss Tim.

Doesn't he know that I'm the one who takes care of him and buys him toys and good yummy food??:bow:brownbunny Not to mention clean up the horrible messes he makes?!!:vacuum::sweepI'm only halfkidding... I think it'skinda cutethat Merlin is obsessed with making out with my boyfriend.

Here is a video I took this morning of Merlin and Tim. (Tim was still sleeping):


Today my Dad helped me place a sheet under the box-spring of my bed. Oliver once had a feild day ripping down the tissue paper like lining that was originally put there. Merlin has taken a strong liking to getting up under there now as well, and I'm worried that someone will **PLOP** down on the bed and hurt Merlin. We used a thick bed sheet and a staple gun. We were chuckling about what Merlin would think when he crawled underneath my bed again. I can see him now... "What the *%$#*! Who put this here??? Mom!!! "

-Kayleigh and Merlin:bunnyhug:


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