That was odd

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
Hi everyone,

I have a question about Devon. I took him into our finished basementtoday so that we could construct an excercise pen. He seemed fine for20 minutes or so and then there were3 or 4 occasions where hethumped his foot and made a purring noise. I took him back up to hiscage and now he seems fine. Should I be concerned?


From what I understand the foot thumping canmean various things, like warning others of danger, telling anotherrabbit they don't like something (Misty will do this to Homer when he'sticked her off) and I also think it can be done to get yourattention. So maybe he was just trying to get your attention?
hmmm... well I was working inan area out of his view, so you are probably right.

By the way, I gave him a carrot afterwords and he only ate half of it.He didn't eat much breakfast either. Although, dinner was in all night.I am guessing that he is not sick, because he just had a checkupyesterday. Should I be concerned, or am I just overreacting?
Most likely over reacting...just keep a closeeye on him, make sure the poops and pees are normal...sometimes mineeat more than other times......your a new bunny dad, so its normal tobe a bit over concerned...and nothing wrong with that...sounds likeDevon is in good hands!
sounds like he was just in a area he wasnt usedto. my buns will thump and go nuts if in a new areathey dont know, they think they see or here something andthey are thumping away lol its just there littlewarning sign that they think there is danger i wouldnt worrysounds like a perfeclty normal bunny thing :D
Thanks, I feel much better now. I took him into the pen with Amber a few minutes ago and he seemed just fine.
My silly little Star is weird likethat! She is fine. Her and her brother are runningthe bunny 500 and doing crazy binkys, then she hops down the hall,thumping all the way! Strange. It's a littleroutine she has. I think sometimes they might even like tohear themselves make some ruckus for no good reason. Iwouldn't worry. Most likely just testing those big ol' feetout :p

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