Thank you Pam, and everyone else!! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
We're just having a quiet dinner at home, too...but it's my first timecooking my own Thanksgiving dinner, and my second time cooking theThanksgiving turkey! (The first was about ten years ago, lol!)
I'm excited, but also nervous as all heck...even though I know myhusband and daughter would try like heck to make it sound like it'sDELICIOUS even if it was horrible. I'm fairly certain of mycooking capabilities and that things will turn out's my first, and I'm nervous!!
We've got our 12lb bird fully thawing out right now (it was onlypartially frozen, so today and tonight should be all it needs, right?),and I'm just so tickled to be able to put it in the oventomorrow. I think our dinner will be more of a lunch, butthen we'll be able to have more later on in the day if we so desire, soit'll work out great!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!! I tell ya, you guys and thisforum are on my list of things I'm thankful for. Each andevery one of you are such wonderful, beautiful people...I considermyself blessed to know each and every one of you!!
Have a beautiful day tomorrow!!
And the kitties...and the bunnies.