Thank you for your sweet words, guys.
Em's doing okay...we had to take a long walk after telling her, and she fell asleep crying, but she's doing better. Every day is a new day in our family, and we try to look at the positive of things.
Our other sweetie-buns are doing great. Flower's still confused, but she's getting better. I was up really early sick on Friday, so I took a day of relaxing at home, and Danny took Em to and from school so I could sleep. It was nice to just have a day of relaxing and kinda working through things in my mind. It's been so hard...
It's amazing to me how I can go for long stretches at a time, feeling perfectly fine, but one thought will pop into my head of yet another tragic detail, and I'll break down like I'm finding out all over again. My head's in a fog, and I know I'm not really out of shock yet, but I try to be there for Em, and try to be available and aware of things for Danny (I still remember him asking, months after Drew passed, when I mentioned that I'd been over the worse of it, "Does that mean I get my wife back now?"...broke my heart, and made me realize just how mentally by myself I'd been acting. I just get so distracted for a time, and then somehow I snap out of it, and go about my day. I just fine myself incredibly lost in thought, more than anything.
I'm going to post this same info in Teeny's RB thread, so others can know how things are going.
I hope you guys are all well. I know it's been a long time, and honestly, I'm not sure if I'll be staying posting here on RO, but I know a lot of you love Teeny, too, and y'all deserved to know that he'd passed.