TGIF Rolling of the Call

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA

......oh yeah!!!

Also seen at ski resorts as "Toes Go In First" :biggrin2:

Way overtired today.....on 3rd cup of coffee:caffeine
Waking up?! You mean yesterday right?

Mine are blurry from no sleep!

actually I got a couple of hours but I feel like I've been hit by a train!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I feel like I've been hit by a train!

Me too. I can't shake my saddness over Marshmellow and Peanut. :sad:

Carolyn wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I feel like I've been hit by a train!

Me too. I can't shake my saddness over Marshmellow and Peanut. :sad:
Peanut really got to me. She was one of my favorites back when I first joined. She always had a sweet face. Rex and his constant care of her has always warmed my heart. It feels like we've lost a friend.
We had KFC for dinner....yummmmmm!

Bunnies are fed and watered. Soon to be tucked in for the night.

Benji's got this chronic runny eye thingie going on.
It's bad one day and I treat it and it clears up for a few days and then returns again.
We've done the vet visits and he's most likely sensitive to dust /overactive tear glands/possible restricted ducts.
I've got new HEPA filters on the way, and I think once I get the filter running again he'll improve.

Chippy's my pooper poster bunny. She's got chronic GI issues.
Tonight she's looking a bit "rough"....abstract poops...out of sorts.
She duga lotof the litter out of her litter pan....not usual for her.
To complicate things....I think she having another false pregnancy.
I reached in to retrieve her food bowl and she ran over and nipped me!! She then ran around in a wide circle and returned to demand nose-rubs!!
What a silly little sweetie bun.
I worry about her so much.

All the other buns are doing well tonight.
~Tootsie is being a "please pet me" bun.
~Binkie....I'd like to put Binkie on the curb with a "Free Bunny" sign....little turd. Her main intent, when out for free-time, is to find Daddy's ankles and bite them. That's why the powers above created work boots I guess...***sigh***
~Rosie is playing under her blankie.
~Brindle is sitting all pretty and poofy......she's my BabyGurl!
~S'more and Mooshu are just chilling on their towels.

I'm watching the end of"Cars", good movie if you haven't seen it yet.
"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" is on afterwards.

I've got off on Monday, and looking forward to the long weekend.
I'm going to plan on all around nail clipping for the furclub...we'll see how it goes.
I'd like to rebuild Brindle and Benji's cage/pen setup, so I can attempt some bonding. I don't know if anybody remembers what lovebugs they were becoming before I moved everybun, but bonding looked promising....we'll see how it goes.
Chippy has been hanging out mostly in her pen, so I'd like to expand it and eliminate her cage (which is only used to house her litter pan).

It's going to be like summertime here over the weekend....almost wish I hadn't closed the pool. Glad I didn't take the AC units out yet!!
Tomorrow morning, I think I'll try to pick some of the dandelion greens that are still growing in the backyard...nice treat for the buns.

I'm off to browse the forum and then call it a night.

~ `Jim

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I feel like I've been hit by a train!

Me too. I can't shake my saddness over Marshmellow and Peanut. :sad:
Peanut really got to me. She was one of my favorites back when I first joined. She always had a sweet face. Rex and his constant care of her has always warmed my heart. It feels like we've lost a friend.
As sad as it is,I can't tell you howheartening it is to know that Peanut touched so many people :hug::rainbow:
We spent the day at the Topsfield Fair :)I'll have to post the photos of the fair bunnies later; there was little BEW Mini Rex buck that was being very outgoing and affectionate. Such a sweetheart!
m.e. wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I feel like I've been hit by a train!

Me too. I can't shake my saddness over Marshmellow and Peanut. :sad:
Peanut really got to me. She was one of my favorites back when I first joined. She always had a sweet face. Rex and his constant care of her has always warmed my heart. It feels like we've lost a friend.
As sad as it is,I can't tell you howheartening it is to know that Peanut touched so many people :hug::rainbow:
There was something about her that drew everyone in. Even before she got sick, she was special somehow.

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