Territorial Wars

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
Leeds, , United Kingdom

As you may know I'm having some problems getting my old bunny to lovemy new bunny, Benjamin (the old one) can't get over the fact that hisoutdoor run (where he spends most of his days) has been cut in half andwired down the centre to make way for my new baby Twinkle. Myhusband had the idea that everyday when we let them out into their runsthey could swap over sides every day, so today for example -Benjamin'shad the left side and Twinkles has the right side then tomorrow letthem in the other sides so their scents mingled on both sides before weactually tried to bond them...What do you think to this idea?I wasn't sure whether this would work.
I cant really answer your question. I know whenI'm breeding that sometimes switching cages with a doe and buck makesthe doe more receptive to the buck. Either way, I dont think it couldhurt anything. I hope they bond for you.

That would definitely help Benjamin get used to the baby's scent and may help the bonding process, but that's not guarenteed.
RebeccaUK wrote:
...My husband had the idea that... when we let them out into their runsthey could swap over sides every day,...so their scents mingled on bothsides before we actually tried to bond them...What do you think to thisidea? I wasn't sure whether this would work.
We frequently swap cages/hutchesin asimilarmannerwhen we are attempting to bond bunnies, and for thesame reasons you give. As pointed out, it certainly is not aguarantee by any means,but there is no doubt in my mind thatit has a beneficial effect.


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