Terrible Weight Loss

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
Last year, I was a healthy fit 150 pounds - then my weight dwindled and the last time I checked was 2 months ago and I was 125. I checked Yesterday and I was 110!! Last time I was 110 I was like 11 years old. What's going on?
Definitely a medical question, you really need to see a doctor.

Have your eating habits changed? Are you onsomething like the Atkins diet? Anorexic?Severely depressed? Taking onnewphyscial activities? Anything like that?

I recently lost about 5 kg too. But my lifestyle changed. I went to work from maternity leave and stopped breastfeeding. Now need to gain weight back, but its as hard as losing it.

You definitely need to see a doctor for such a dramatic weight loss to rule out other health problems.

Yeah, you should really see a doctor. My friend kept losing weight and ended up having surgury later on for a stomach problem. I can't remember what her problem was called though, so that probably doesn't help you. I also don't think she lost as much as you either. Losing 40lbs in a year is serious though, esp. if you haven't changed your eating habits or anything.

Another thing to look into is diabetes. Weight loss is common. Have you been drinking lots as well as using the bathroom lots? What about feeling very tired?

My husband found out he had diabetes because of his weight loss. Good luck. A simple blood check will tell.
Lately I have noticed that I'm not hungry any more. Heck, I've been whithout eating for 2-3 days strait. I'm just not hungry and I guess I've become out-grown of foods I liked or just too picky. I was 108 pounds last week. My bicepts are still at strong build like usuall(I do heavey work when cleaning and the occasionall side jobs.) - but my forecepts and wrist has become so skinny, that not even my watch(Which had links tooken out before.) doesn't fit me. I have small hands - now they "look" big. lol
Last week, I came home from tanning, and one of my sister's old friends said, "Gasp!! What happend to you?!"
I've allwaysed had a barrelled chest(Which runs in the Italian side - no, I don't look like a pit bull.) - now my rib cage shows on me(Good thing I won't loose my boobs!! lol) and my eye puiples looks bigger. My sister said I'm on the way to looking like I'm a crack addict(I don't mean this innapropiate guys.). Which was mean to say to me.
Any ways, I decided to be a hypocrondract and call a doctor. As I've explained in my post about my Rabbits being sick and needing "home-made compfort" - we have financual problems currently - especially on health.
The Doctor said I needed a blood check, but for now he said I should do more exercise and be on a health drink. So we got "Ensure" health drinks. Muracualsy, I've gained 2 pounds.

Thanx for ya'll's help!! I and the doctor appreciated the detailed info!!


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