Stephanie H
Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, I found it by googling my rabbit's symptoms and it looks like a very informative place! Anyways, today I noticed my bunny Chewie laying down with his eyes scrolling to the left. His head would turn too but he would center it again. I took him out and he went in circles some but also moved around like normal sometimes and is fine in his cage. He is 7 and a half years old, dwarf netherland. He eats pellets, hay, and sometimes broccoli. Luckily I work at a vet hospital, so I took him right in. He hopped around like normal there but the Dr. said his eye reflexes are bad and his right ear canal seems sensitive. He said he thinks his vision isn't great. He said there is probably either an issue with his inner ear or his brain, so he prescribed antibiotics and an antiinflammatory. What's weird is, when I got home, he was fine! I hadn't even given the meds yet. I texted the Dr. and he said to still give the meds ASAP. What do you guys think?
(sorry it posted twice somehow I don't know how to delete it)
(sorry it posted twice somehow I don't know how to delete it)