Temperature question

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I couldn't find anything about this.What is the safe temperature range for a rabbit to live in? Like howcold can it get and what would be too warm for them? With itbeing summer, I don't know how cool I need to keep it for Bunny andwhen winter comes I don't want it to be too cold for her. Shelives indoors by the way.
To keep a rabbit cool in the summer, see the Cooling a Rabbit thread. It is the very first topic on the forum.

Also for more information on Rabbits, I can highly recommend looking atthe Top Picks thread, which is the 2nd topic on the forum.

Rabbits start getting uncomfortable when it'sover 80 degrees. Mine seem okay up through about 90 degreeswith just a fan or two. Anything higher than that and frozenwater bottles, cool wet clothes on the ears, and ice cubes in the waterbowls are in order. When it pushes 100, they get moved in mybedroom with the air conditioning.

I'm not sure about the lower range, but they do deal with cooltemperatures better than with warm. I would think he'd befine with whatever you set your thermostat to in winter.

Check out the Cooling a Rabbit thread at the top of the page and in the Top Picks.
No problem. :)

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