Temp. Concern Question

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Centralia, Washington, USA
Ok, My one elop I have had for 2 yrs and she has been fine in her hutch last 2 winters, but I think as I get more in tune with my rabbits and breeding I am more worried.

What is the temp to start to be concerned about the elops ears? My hutches can be seen on my site. They are raised so that the bottom of the hutches are about 3.5 or 4ft tall ( I would have to measure..they come to my waist so I can reach better)...and they are sided all but the door and bottom. And deep like 3ft deep so they can get away from the door.

BUT I just dont want nothing happening to the ears. They drink from water bottles so they cant get their ears wet from dishes then stuck to the cage.

Should I buy regular straw hayand put tons in there for extra cushion?

OH and for my own deal I have burlap sacks in front of the doors to help with any wind..not sure if it really helps but i like to think it does.

Thanks for your help
I think if you've been doing the same for her the past two years she should be fine =). We always like to put straw down for them in the winter. Its just extra stuff for them to lay on and keep warm in.

The burlap sacks i think are a good idea and one I may try myself!
If you want, you could put straw down for some extra cushioning. I'm sure they would like that. ;) Just don't get the stuff that feels like plastic - we got that once from the Dels in Chehalis and it was just awful! I would get some nicer straw - just ask if you can look at the bales they have and pick your own one. It shouldn't feel like plastic. ;)

Burlap sacks are a good idea, too. Just make sure they still have good air circulation. ;) Afriend of mine told me abouther neighbor whohad outdoor rabbits once, and put plastic over their hutch to protect them from the wind; the rabbits ended up dying of lack of oxygen, or from smothering or something like that. Burlap probably isn't as bad as plastic - but it's just something to think about. Do the cages have wire flooring? If they do, I think it should be fine. ;)

Thanks for your imput. Ya cages floors are wire..and the burlap just hangs over the hutch in front not pinned or anything.
I will have to go look at the bales tomorrow. I put extra timothy hay in for now cause thats what I have. I just wanted to see about the temp for the ears..:)


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