tell me about your rabbit/s cage...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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I was wondering if my rabbit should have somekind of hidey house to go in if she needs/wants to. I knowthey are necessary for guinea pigs but I am not sure aboutbunnies. Right now Kahlua lives in a x-large dog crate andgets a few hours of out of cage playtime but I was wondering if hideyhouses existed for bunnies.

Also, what kind of toys do you guys have for your bunnies?
Hidey houses are more appropriate for guineapigs. It's just a natural thing for them that they like to hide in darkcorners. I'm sure a rabbit would have fun with one, but end up using itmore as a chew toy. The only toys I have for my rabbits is one of thosehanging things you buy at the pet store with the different wood shapethingies on them. They are great for chewing and keeping the rabbitsteeth in good shape. For outside the cage, if you have a local Costcoor Sam's Club they usually gave stacks of cardbord boxed you can getfree. They are great for the rabbits to have fun and destroy.
You don't need to buy a hidey house, you canjust give him a cardboard box or get a big grass mat, roll it, and tieit with zip ties to make a tunnel. The dragongrass mats atPier 1 are great for that. My buns also like to lay undertheir shelves, and on one end in both pens I hung paper towel tubeslike a cardboard curtain. They love these and like to laybehind them, chew them, and push them around. You could builda shelf in the dog crate. I used to have one when I used acrate.

Although most rabbits are fine without something to hide in in theircage, some like it and a few need it. When I moved the bunsto their big, open pens, Mocha freaked out and stayed in her grass mattunnel 24/7 until I gave her a couple more boxes. Then shefelt more comfortable moving around because she had a lot more hidingspaces.

Sprite in the grass mat tunnel

Loki playing with the cardboard curtain

I have lots of toys for my buns. Cardboard boxes, especiallybig ones in the living room that are stuffed with hay and newspaper,jingle bell balls, plastic keys, hanging chew toys with bells, wickerballs and baskets, grass mats, all sorts of things stuffed with hay,etc. Check out the toy thread in Bunny 101 for lots of ideastoo.
Love the grass mat tunnel idea! You always havesuch creative toy ideas, naturestee. You should consider writing a book(seriously)!

Sprite sure looks like a disapproving (but cute) bunny in that pic!

I too love the tunnel idea.

I'm surprised that you guys are saying though that rabbits dont needhidey places. I provide one for all my rabbits and they alluse it, a lot. I always considered it a necesity.
I've been doing a lot of reading in preparationfor my new bun's arrival, and everything has said that rabbits need a"bolt hole" to hide in if they are startled, be it a shop bought hideyhole, an upturned cardboard box, a large tube... I think lotsof pet shop type things can be easily and cheaply replicated at homewithout the expense, so in that sense there is no need to purchase ahiding place, but I was under the impression that one should always beoffered. :dunno:
Yeah I agree, I thinkCocoa feels safe in his cage because he has his box to hidein. When I first got him, I did not have a box in there, Ionly had a tube. I could tell he was uneasy but once I addedthe box he seemed fine.

I have seen some big plastic "igloos" at pet shops that a bunny wouldbe able to hide in, but I wouldn't get that because Cocoa wouldprobably chew it. And the box didn't cost me anythinganyway!

Not to mention that most of those store-boughthidey holes are way to small for the average rabbit.:?Homemade/free stuff all the way!

Amy- I think Sprite has been referred to as the cutest little angry bunny ever!:D