Teeth grinding-help!

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Bone Lady
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
We got a 2 month old bunny on Monday and he's been grinding his teeth. We've had 3 house rabbits before him and I don't remember them doing it this much. Sometimes it's quiet and sometimes loud but I can't figure out if it's because he's sick or because he's happy with his new home. He does it a lot when petted and he does it a good bit when he's relaxing too. We had a baby rabbit once that ground her teeth and abruptly died after only having her for a week so I'm really worried.

I've also noticed that I never see his poop so my husband did some research and found that babies eat their poop so is it that? I took a warm wet washcloth to try and make him poop like the site said and when I turned him over there were two little poops stuck to him. I checked again this afternoon and he had some stuck to him again, they still have that round shape but they're a little wet, is this normal? I didn't know the babies need alfalfa so I'll be getting him some tomorrow. I have yet to see him eat but my husband thinks he does and I know he drinks plenty of water.

He seems really laid back and doesn't startle easy. He puts up with my 3 year olds screaming and doesn't mind him petting him. He changes positions around the living room but he looks happy and relaxed when he does and almost always has his feet kicked to the side and sometimes lays on his side. When he's in his cage he lounges in his water bowl, I guess he likes having wet feet.

I know I sound paranoid but given what happened before I don't want this little one to die or be sick and miserable. I've only had adults so I'm not sure how a baby usually behaves. He hasn't binkied yet, he just lounges around with me or my husband or finds a spot he likes in the living room. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Doesn't sound right, he may have digestive issues going on. I had a rabbit with chronic gut issues and when she felt really bad she would stand in the water dish with her two front feet. Hay is super important and I would run not walk to the store to get some, but he may need a vet by now. he should be eating drinking and pooping normally I think. I'm not an expert on young rabbits but something seems off and clearly you noticed it too. Follow your gut.
I would have said that it just sounded like he is doing normal contented tooth purring, if he is behaving normally and eating well, especially if it is happening when you are petting him. Usually with teeth grinding due to pain, the rabbit will have a reduced appetite, will often sit hunched in a corner or may also change positions frequently. The only thing that makes me think it might not be contented tooth purring, is the feet in the water. Though sometimes this can be a normal behavior, often it is an abnormal behavior and rabbits will do it when they are feeling sick.

Rabbits produce two kinds of poop, cecotropes and fecal waste. They do eat their cecal poop as it contains vital nutrients, but eating fecal poop is generally considered an abnormal behavior and may indicate a digestive problem, especially if the fecal poop is sticky, wet, very small or abnormally shaped. You don't need to rush out and get alfalfa hay yet, as it's usually not necessary in a rabbits diet, even a baby one, but will depend on what the bunny is being fed. What do you feed your bunny- type and amount of pellets, hay, any veg or treats?

Most important is to ensure he is eating, drinking, and pooping. If he isn't then you need to get him to a rabbit savvy vet.