Teeth Grinding -- always bad?

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
I was just hanging out with Sampson.He was acting perfectly normally. After his 15 min ofcraziness, begged to get on the bed with me, so I put him up.He laid down next to me and nudged me until I started pettinghim. He really likes having his nose and forehead rubbed, sothat's what I was doing. He looked really content and happy,but he was grinding his teeth, or something like that. I knowthat usually means pain, but I think it also means happiness, am Iright? What's the difference?

Also, when I was rubbing his ears, I found little bumps in hisear. I can't describe them, they weren't scabs, more likepimples? He doesn't have mites and it didn't seem to botherhim when I was petting the ear or when I rubbed the "bumps" hard to tryto figure out what they were. He only has them in oneear. He doesn't scratch that I've noticed. Anyideas on what this is?

Yes, from what I've read it can also mean pleasure, I'm guessing thats what it is in your case!

I've even gotten some of this out of Corky thru all of these issueshe's having....when thinking it should be pain I don't honestly thinkit has been....I think my comfort and cuddling has brought him pleasureas doc is managing his pain....During his 7:00 feeding tonite I evengot some bunny kisses....been missin those!

Well, time to catch some ZZZ's before the next feeding! Dunno on theear thing...but the teeth thing I think he for sure is loving yourattn! What a good bunny mom!
Yup, soft tooth grinding is a rabbit's way of"purring" like a cat... it means they're happy. I can veryrarely hear my Meat Bunny do it... I generally only feel the vibrationsthrough her skull when I'm petting her... but I've read that otherrabbits tooth purr audibly. I've also heard that thedifference between happy tooth-purring & unhappy tooth-grindingis unmistakable once you've heard them both... the unhappy version is,apparently, much louder & more "insistent".

I think that as long as he's grinding his teeth when you're pettinghim, & he's not exhibiting signs of pain (like not eating,being lethargic, sitting very stiffly, etc), you don't have anything toworry about. :}

Unfortunately, I have no idea about the bumps in the ear. Ifnobody else has any ideas, I'd just keep an eye on them, & takehim to the vet if they get more numerous, larger,red/irritated/bleeding, or he starts acting sickly or like he's in pain.
Rabbitsdo sometimes makeasoft grinding noise with their teeth when they are happy --sort of like "purring" :)

Keep an eye on the bumps for any changes, but they mayjust beharmless cysts on the ears. Some viruses can be the causebumps on the ears (similar to viruses that cause warts onhumans). Could also be due to ear mites.


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