Well-Known Member
I thought I'd go out to the rabbitry tonightand"put my money where my mouth is", so to speak. I closelycompared the teeth of a number of small breeds of rabbits rabbits fromjuniors under 6 months to seniors ranging in age from 6 months to over5 years of age. (Also did a head count and we are down to apaltry 104 rabbits).
My observations:
The rabbits that were not physically mature had smaller teeth (no big surprise there).
There was *no* indiscernible difference in the incisor length, width orcolor of the teeth of a 7 month old rabbit as compared to a healthyrabbit over 5 years of age.
Some very old rabbits may have a slightly "chalky, dull" look to theteeth as compared to the iridescent appearance of a younger rabbit,however, discoloration of the teeth can also be caused by medications,disease, dental disease, diet or parasites, therefore discoloration isnot an accurate indicator of age. In some cases as a rabbitages, the teeth may begin to wear irregularly or break off, but onceagain, this is not an accurate indicator of age as malocclusion canoccur at any age.
So, in conclusion, my observations indicate that there is no way to use the teeth as an accurate indicator of a rabbit's age.
My observations:
The rabbits that were not physically mature had smaller teeth (no big surprise there).
There was *no* indiscernible difference in the incisor length, width orcolor of the teeth of a 7 month old rabbit as compared to a healthyrabbit over 5 years of age.
Some very old rabbits may have a slightly "chalky, dull" look to theteeth as compared to the iridescent appearance of a younger rabbit,however, discoloration of the teeth can also be caused by medications,disease, dental disease, diet or parasites, therefore discoloration isnot an accurate indicator of age. In some cases as a rabbitages, the teeth may begin to wear irregularly or break off, but onceagain, this is not an accurate indicator of age as malocclusion canoccur at any age.
So, in conclusion, my observations indicate that there is no way to use the teeth as an accurate indicator of a rabbit's age.