Teenage messiness or just a messy bun ?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
Mookie has stopped being tidy ... she now tipsher litter box over and shreds the newspaper in her living area to bits.. then she drags all the hay out of her bedding box and throws itround the whole cage .. after which she pees up the walls ...

She was always a bit messy, but now it seems, she is turning into a teenage muck pup !

I seperated her and Benji after she kept trying to hump Benji .. theyare both neutered ... I know that this was her showing a form ofdominance towards Benji but it really freaked him out and after findinghim sat alone in a corner looking quite uncomfortable a couple oftimes, I decided enough was enough, and put him back in his own cage! (He would LOVE company though ... he absolutelyadores her, and forever grooms her when they are out, supervised,together) ...

Any help appreciated ?
Did she start doing this after she was separatedfrom Benji? If so, that's probably why. She's bored without him. Maybeyou canlet them play together under your supervision.
How long ago was their surgery? It may take sometime for hormones to fade out... I agree that boredom will lead to somenew behavior, but the spraying says hormones to me.

When I had to keep my first 2 bunnies separate, I had their cages sideby side so that they could groom eachother through the bars.
Sorry for the late replies to your posts - work and all the rest !

Mookie was the last to be "done" - which was August of last year - andyes, she's only started chewing the newspapers round since beingseperated from Benji.

I let them out in the garage at night whilst cleaning their cages outbut Mookie hassles Benji so much that I feel so sorry forhim. Think what I am going to do tonight is put one in a runthat we have and let one run loose, so they have physical contact butnot TOO much contact !!

With regard to her hormones, surely they will have settled by now ?

Thank you for your replies by the way .. appreciated !

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