Tattooing age?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
, , USA
Okay, MHRR just got seven two-month-old REW New Zealands. Needless to say, we can't really tell them apart, so we wrote their names in their ears with a Sharpie.

However we do have a tattoo kit. Is it too late to tattoo their ears? I know they need to be young, and two months is still young enough, right?

2 months is fine.

The ears can be tattooed at any age. Tattooing isusually done at weaning to identify the kits. The ears are generally thinner at this age and take the tattoo a little easier.

Well, we tried tattooing a two-year-old, and either the tattoo kit wasn't good or her ears were far too thick for the tattoo to stick, because the holes didn't stay. In the younger buns it did, though.

Is there a kit you would recommend, Pam?

I have both the Weston and the Stone as well as a few models of electric/battery tattooers. The electric models are great.

Previously, The Bass Grand Champion plier tattooers had gotten some very bad reviews, but I've heard they've improved them.

How thick would "too thick" be? The ink we used was thick as all getup, practically looked like tar if I remember correctly.

How old is "too old?" We've had this stuff since the summer. Should we get some more ink?
Last summer isn't bad... I meant a few years old. Thick is OK as long as there are no chunks in it... I think that the electric pens work better on older rabbits with thicker ears.

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