* Taking your little friend out and about *

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
This time next week we will be collecting BENJi .... am nearly climbing the walls in excitement!

What I would like to know is this; Felix spent a lot of time with uswhilst we were wake and I want to do the same with BENJi... One thing I never did with Felix was take himfor walks, our out in the car with us when we went on picnics to thecountryside.

If this is possible, I'd like to include BENJi in our picnics ..obviously safely harnessed so he can't hop off andexplore. Will it be safe to do so? Hewont pick up and nasty diseases or anything will he?
Oh I am so excited foryou.Your excitement is very contagious. I think Benji wouldlove to be included. I tend to worry more about threats of the predatorvariety than I do anything else when Apollo's out and about.

Heat and weather are also a concern. In the summer be sure tobring a frozen pop bottle or two to help keep him cool. A cage forrelaxing and feeing safe in. I think that with some planning Benji andyour family can enjoy some wonderful time together and make some trulywonderful memories.

Oh great stuff .. I can just see him skippingaround the moors around here !! We liv close to alovely place called The Nine Ladies Stone Circle ... se high on themoors just above where we live. Hollie and I love to go upthere of an evening and just wander round .... I settle down and admirethe view and she climbs over the boulders and things.


Oh great stuff .. I can just see him skippingaround the moors around here !! We liv close to alovely place called The Nine Ladies Stone Circle ... se high on themoors just above where we live. Hollie and I love to go upthere of an evening and just wander round .... I settle down and admirethe view and she climbs over the boulders and things.


It sounds absolutely beautiful. I wouldlove to see pictures if you have any. The picture you added isn'tshowing up. Can you try and post it again. I love the name. It has sucha magical ring to it.

It truly sounds stunning.

Oops ! Hope this pic showsup ! This is Hollie (13) standing on therocks at "Stanton Point" on the moor, overlooking the dale where welive.


Heh ... we went for a drive this evening .... Hollie and I ... and wegot chatting about how great it's going to be when we have BENJi withus !
Oh wow It's gorgeous. I love thetapestry of color. Very beautiful. How neat that it's called a dale.That is my husband's name Dale. I really look forward to more pictures.How many more days until Benji is home? Thank you so very much.

Gorgeous country!

From my experience when I take Pipp out, she doesn't like the wide openspaces, but she loves going from bush to bush where she has a bit ofshelter.

On the otherhand,maybe the spaces will work for your bunbecause he'llbe able to see predatorsthat are stillmiles away.

Let us know how it goes. :)


PS: Pipphad a bad experience the other day, too long, too offtopic to post, but here's a link to the story.Pipp'spuppy scare.
Oh, that is such a beautiful picture. What a wonderful place to live.

I bet Benji would love to go out with you. I'm hoping Sampsonwill learn to like to go out in the car. He hated the wholetrip home, but I'm thinking with some work and short trips he mightbecome accustom to the trip.

samandshawn wrote:
Are there any diseases that a bun could pick up whilst out?
Not terribly likely unless it were to ingest other animals' poops,poisonous plants, and/or plant fertilizing chemicals. One candeter a bun from doing so.

I often carry a bun in a back pack that I wear strapped to mychest. It allows me better control worn in thatmanner. The bun seems to enjoy the attention and caresses itattracts and becomes a "spokesbun" for rabbit keeping in general as Iam frequently called upon to answer a myriad of questions about rabbitsas pets.

Buck Jones wrote:
I often carry a bun in a back pack that I wear strapped to mychest. It allows me better control worn in thatmanner.

Great suggestion! I was wondering if there was a way to cartmy little Ellie around other than with a harness (which she doesn'tseem to like, but we're working on it!)

bunnee mom wrote:
Buck Jones wrote:
I often carry a bun in a back pack that I wear strapped to mychest. It allows me better control worn in thatmanner.

Great suggestion! I was wondering if there was a way to cartmy little Ellie around other than with a harness (which she doesn'tseem to like, but we're working on it!)
Baby carriage (pram).
Jenniblu wrote:
bunnee mom wrote:
Greatsuggestion! I was wondering if there was a way to cart mylittle Ellie around other than with a harness (which she doesn't seemto like, but we're working on it!)
Baby carriage (pram).
I've spent the last week drooling on baby carriages online... I *must*have one for Meat! :D Not just any stroller will do,either... I've got my heart set on one of the old-fashioned coach-builtones that look like little coffins on wheels. This one isonly about $2,000! ;Dhttp://www.cleopatra-palace.com/HeritageBabyCarriages.html

All kinds of cool old ones show up on eBay, too, but the shipping isusually insane (up to $450 o_O ). I'm going to start hauntinglocal yard sales & see what I can find...
That baby carriage is high fashion forsure. You could probably find one like it at a yardsale. Elderly people having moving sales are the best placesto find little treasures like that. Do you have any estateauctions in your area? That might be another placeto look.
Kricket, those are all so nifty! ::drools::

I've been watching the third one you posted, and these:



That last one is only $100, w/ shipping to me being around $40... such a good deal, but I'm so broke! ::sigh::

A couple of my friends said that they were considering bidding on this one for me, 'till they saw that shipping was $200!


Once I have some money (after rabbit-proofing the computer room& getting Meat spayed), I'll start seriously looking.For right now, I'm having an awful lot of fun just window-shopping& daydreaming about being the Eccentric Bunny Lady who wheelsher rabbit around in a rather impractical babby carriage. :D


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