Taking posed baby pictures...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
McVeytown, Pennsylvania, USA
I tried to get posed pictures of Ad's babies (to start marketing them). Anyway, I think I'm going to go with candid shots at this age, because posing babies and snapping the picture in time is almost impossible.

I'm pretty disappointed in Ad's litter to Sonny. There are 3 of the 7 that have NO depth, NO hindquarters, and just cruddy. Maybe it's just the age (not quite 6 weeks) but I'm not impressed. I think I might sell them all. And, depending on how Rosa's look, I might sell Sonny, too.

Anyway, here's my results, such as they are. LOL

Danielle (I went with author names this round. haha):

Agatha, who didn't even TRY to cooperate!:




Nora (the only one I'm keeping...for now):
I do like Nora, they are soo cute with those big floppy ears!
I still love my lops though I'm mianly dutch now(Need a dutch lop!) but I hope Rosa's come out better for you. Def could be the age. I figured out with my dutch to not even bother trying to get posed baby shots. it just doesn't work out well in the long run. I just do candid's until about 10 weeks unless I really want to get them out there, then i'll go ahead and struggle.
I like noras color, what is that called?

The more french lops of ours i see i keep wondering if murphy is a french..but age doesnt match the weight she suppodely is. She did gain a pound in two weeks after amputation though? Shes 6.4lbs now
I guess I just dont have the breeder eye, lol. They all look the same to me! GORGEOUS! :)

I love those ears, I want one some day!
Thanks, guys! I'm just going to sit in their stall and snap a bunch of random photos. I tried posing, so at least I had some clue who they were (we used a small index card with a number on it, which I later cropped out).

Nora is a smoke pearl chin. I think she's the nicest, but not sure she's "nice enough" to keep. The rest are, to me anyway, lacking in the hindquarters and don't have enough depth.

Brenda, she's probably a mini lop. I'll have to check your blog to see her age, but at 6 pounds she'd be around 3 months old. Max is almost 8 months old and last weighed in at 13 pounds. The babies above are almost 6 weeks old and already over 3 pounds.

The only difference between a mini lop and a french is the size. I almost started breeding mini lops until I saw a French at a show. That's when I knew Frenchies were for me. :)
Shes beautiful ill have to remembrr that color! I cant tell from pics their differences...hoping to get my girl in 4h so we can learn together though.

And based on what i was told shed be 6ish months but she wasnt to sure on that she told me a couple months "i guess" but shes gained 1-1.5lbs every couple weeks the past month and shes got your flops big ears.
She could very easily be French Lop, just on the smaller side. My Rosa doe is small, not making senior weight at her only show. So just because the "norm" is heavy, they aren't all big marshmallows. LOL

I was looking at all her pictures, and the ears and body sure look like a French to me.
Yea franklin was a late bloomer being only 9lbs at 8months old. Finally when he hit a year he went to 10 and is now 11 and I think thats where he'll stop. I like Nora and I think I like Stephen but putting hands on them could turn out completely different. I know hollands have ugly stages I wonder if french do too?
Lol i thought holland when girl brought her to me so her next to sebi is funny..she kinda lays on him too lol.

Are brokens common in flops? Ive not seen a lot of flops local and def not brokens
Nora is the nicest of the 7. The problem with the rest of them is that I think they're all a bit pinched, too. Look at Stephen's back feet...they're poking out to the sides. And his aren't as poked out as the other 5.

Rosa's babies are really small! They're 4 weeks old, and look like Adeline's did at 2. I might keep the best one out of that litter, just to see how it matures.

I might end up re-selling all of my bucks and looking for another one. Spaz is the best one, but won't breed anything. Sonny isn't throwing anything even remotely close to his type. Grump I'm not sure about..he's built really nicely, with nice bone but he's on the small side.

Sonny's going to the fair, so I can just put a For Sale tag on his cage and hopefully get him moved. Decisions, decisions...
Around here, brokens are common. I just have one, Cher, but hopefully she'll throw me some. I hope. Heck, at this point, I just hope she throws me something, either solid or broken. LOL

Your girl is definitely not a holland. LOL In the pictures from when she was around 4 months old, she even has the fluffy hair like my flops get at that age. I'm just not sure if all lops get that.

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