taking care of a baby rabbit.

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Mar 10, 2009
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my friends rabbit passed away while she was "in labor" we think. she was only 8 years old though... now she has 3 9 hour old rabbits to take care of with no mother to take care of them. how would she go about taking care of them so they dont die :(. thanx for any help
I'm sorry for your friend's loss.

Did you mean that the mummy bunny was 8 years old? Or 8 months old? Or that your friend is 8 years old?

Ideally she needs to find a breeder nearby who would be willing to foster those babies to a doe that is nursing her own kits.

I don't know enough about handrearing, but I do know that it has a high failure rate.

I think this might get moved to the Rabbitry because there will be more people there who can help more.
Moved to the Rabbitry section. People with the most experience raising babies will see the thread here.

First, where are you located? Depending on your location, someone might know of a breeder or rescue close by with nursing rabbits.

I have not had much success hand rearing, but I know that some members on the forum have. Hopefully they will come along soon with advice for you.

I'm sorry your friend lost the mother. What a shame. Was the mother 8 years old? (That is WAY too old to be bred...)

As stated,her best bet would be to find someone local with a lactating doe (a momma producing milk with new born babies.) If she is raising her litter, I'd bring her to the foster litter twice a day, preferably mid morning and mid-afternoon (when she isn't feeding her litter.)

Shecan try hand rearing the babies, but it will be a lot of work, with no guarentees. I have used a kitten milk replacement formula by Farnam (called First Born with Colostrum.) The babies will have to be fed twice a day, andshe will have to take particular care not to let any fluids (formula) to be aspirated (inhaled into the lungs). If any gets inhaled, the baby usually will get pneumonia and die.

After feedingshe will need to wipe their bellies with a cotton ball dipped in warm water to stimulate urination. Keep them warm.

I have several litters by hand. With a low success rate. But it can be done.

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