I have so many problems with that article. I'mreallystressed right now, so maybe I missed some things, butI can't stand that proper research hasn't been done. I didn'tsee any mention of whether or not the employees at the pet stores gotsick. One would think, that these people, who obviously hadcontact with these animals would have gotten sick first. Ihave to say this, working in a pet store, you become lax about thingslike washing your hands after dealing with animals and then you go eat,and I've never gotten sick (I've worked in several pet stores beginningin high school, so for over 10 years). Also, wouldn't commonsense dictate that you wash your hands after dealing with a sickanimal? If just to prevent the spread of the illness to otheranimals.
The article blames the illness on kissing your animals, well again, Ihave always been one to give my critters kisses, and I've never gottensick. I mean, I don't go overboard, but...I think most animallovers give their animal a kiss, but I also know not to kiss my animalsif they are sick!
I'm sorry, but these types of things are what give pet stores a badreputation. There are many good pet stores outthere. I know, I know there are also bad ones, but if youresearch and again, use common sense, you won't buy animals from thebad ones where they could potentially be sick. I certainlydon't expect people to report the bad pet stores, as I would LOL, butbe smart about it, if the animals don't look good, don't buythem. It's like if you go to get fish, most people won't buyfish from a tank where 1 looks sick or they see any dead ones (andbelieve me, there are dead fish in all those tanks every day), so whywould they buy a rabbit or mouse or rat or whatever if any other animalnear it looks sick? Or the care looks substandard?
Basically, it comes down to people need to use common sense.Any animal that poops (and I have yet to find any that don't -- if youhave, please let me know, because I want one and I want to sell them,for big money), can carry salmonella. Any animal that hasteeth can bite. Any animal with fur can causeallergies. These are things I rattle off daily tocustomers. So, wash your hands after you handle the animaland/or anything that could have come into contact with theirfeces. If you are bitten, wash the area throughly and watchfor signs of infection (the worst bites are cat, those almost alwaysget infected). The list goes on and on, but basically: USECOMMON SENSE!!!! I have to say, I don't necessarily use commonsense when dealing with my animals, I protect them more then I protectmyself, but if they appear sick, I take precautions to keep myself fromgetting sick and my other animals. It really isn't that hard.
I'm sorry this is so long and I went on and on ranting, but things likethis really burn me. I wish people would research their ownanimals more, before purchasing them and continue this researchafter getting them. This research needs to include whathumans could possibly contract from them. Ok, I'm donenow. I think....I'll try to not post here again.Again, I'm sorry, I just don't understand people sometimes.It's not the animals who are to blame, it's the people who didn't useproper common sense and wash their hands after handling sick animals.