Switching diet suddenly...?

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Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Well so, I brought my bunnies home today!:biggrin: The thing is, the breeder gave me a tiny bag of rabbit pellets which would probably only last 2 at most 3 days. He told me that they were "Country Acres Rabbit Pellets.":? Since I did my research, it said that rabbits should stay on their pellets or switched over SLOWLY. Since they are both only 8 weeks old, I planed on staying on the original pellets. So I went out to look for them since I know I would be out of pellets soon. I can't find the brand at Petco, Petsmart, Dr.Fosters, or online. I'm worried because when I texted the breeder he said it was okay to switch their pellets right away and he refused to tell me where he got the pellets. :grumpy: Can anyone tell me where I might find them online because I feel as if the breeder isn't any help and I'm so frustrated right now because I don't want to switch them suddenly. I'm afraid something might happen! :bigtears:please help? Also, if anyone has used the brand before, can you tell me if they're any good and what's the best pellets for young bunnies...because I plan to buy the original pellets and switch them over if they're no good. Thank you so much.
When I got my rabbit not to long ago, I switched him cold turkey to new pellets the very first day I had him. They didnt give me any food with him so I went and bought some. Nothing changed. He has normal poop, he ate it fine and everything was ok.

Every rabbit is different but I wouldnt worry too much if you were to switch him to a new pellet. Just mix in the pellets the gave you with the pellets you want to use for as long as the other pellets will last :)
Not to worry, you can still do a gradual switch. What you do is feed mostly hay, then fade out the old and fade in the new, and just not worry that the quantity will be low for a few days mid switch.

So normally you'd do

90% old/10% new
80% old/20% new
70% old/30% new
10% old/90% new

Do the same reducing the old and increasing the new

90% old / 10% new
80% old / 20% new
70% old / 30% new
0 old / 40% new
0 old / 50% new
0 old /60% new
... etc.

A few days with less pellets won't do any harm, they'll just top up on hay. You'll probably find the old pellets last a little longer than you expected to as you're feeding less each day.
LakeCondo wrote:
Any alfalfa pellets should be fine. But Oxbow tends to be well-liked & easy to get.
I have to agree. Neville is starting the transition to Oxbow Pellets for Young Rabbits, which we found in a lot of feed stores and pet stores. He's enjoying them and having no problem digesting.

K :)