Switched to water bottle from dish...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So, tonight we switched from a water dish to a water bottle. Needless to say, my ever-opinionated Bunny is rather upset about this. We're now using her former water dish to hold her alfalfa pellets, and though she's discovered the "secret" to using the water bottle, she's still looking around for the water that's supposed to be in that dish.

Our reasons for switching were simple:

1. She kept getting hay and bedding in her water, and then refusing to drink it, and/or

2. Would completely run out of water, and need replacement of it about three times a day.

So, I feel a little stuck. I don't feel that if I continue to use that dish as a water dish, she'll continue using the bottle, as she's just discovered how to do...but at the same time she seems upset at the change.

We just switched a couple hours ago, so maybe the topic is premature (and if it is, I apologize), but I guess I just want a little reassurance that I'm not making my bunny miserable by the change. :(
Good news...last night Bunny got the hang of the bottle, and actually seems a lot less agitated! YAY!:bunnydance: She's not quite adept at using it just yet, but she's already consumed about half the bottle, and it's a medium-sized bottle! GO BUNNY!!

I've also noticed she seems more content than usual in general, which is nice. I felt so bad to continually find her water bowl empty, or so full of stuff that she couldn't/wouldn't drink the water. Poor dear...

Glad things worked out...thank you guys for your advice! :)

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