Suspicions of A/C

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Alberta, Canada
I read in apost that arespitory illness could of been the result of an aircon, I am a lilpanicky about this. Since where I reside now, it is almost a necessityto have iton at night for a few hours to take some of thehumidity out of the air and allow the concrete to cool down a bit. Thenits back on with the fans we go!

ACKKKKKKKKKK!! :shock:what shall I do.....Miss.Carolyn where is ya????

I am going to keep it off till I hear fromyou, and others ifyou have any advice-since this is my first time reading about such athing.




lol, actually it isnt as bad as it is going to be, but this morningwhilst the girls were out for their morning galavant, I did put a coolcloth on Jade's ears and she loooooooooved it~Jezebel just looked at melike I was on glue or something! OH OH OH last night, Jezebel waslaying on the tiles, and was tolerating my pets when all of a suddenshe jumped up and bounced to the livingroom simutaneously making thewierdest noise I have ever heard-it was almost a whine/grunt/sigh. Ican not think of another possible sound I have ever heard like it.

Soon as it came out, she was over talking and settled down again after a bit


Hi Cher, My buns love the ac!How do I know this? Both of them will run around and play andthen position themselves over the vents on the floor. Theywill sprawl out so that every inch of the vents are covered.They are much hotter than we are remember, they have their furcoats. I think the most important thing to remember is tokeep the temp. fairly constant and not have hugefluctuations. Of course I am no expert. I only knowwhat I read from this forum and my own experiences. I am sureothers will chime in as the day goes on. I enjoy yourposts. They show the fun that you have with your 2buns. They are fun pets, they are always up tosomething. I just never realized that rabbits had suchpersonalities! Give them both a hug for me. Beckie
Ahh good to hear, well I kept it off lastnight-and this morning wasnt too bad~but WOOOHOOOO back home I go tohave a cool night (sorta) since I have to use my sorry excuse ofan easy bake oven this eve :pI hope the temp going cool acouple hours in the eve is okay for them~like I said, its to pull someof the humidity out~and its a built in the wall a/c with the endhanging outside. They are not directly near it actually (hehe now thatI have given up on Jezebel and her couch antics, and she is allowed onthe thing, she never does-go figure) unless they are on the couch...

Thanxs Beckie *hug to them for ya tonight, but I am warnin ya-Jez will give me a look for it* grin grin


Hi Cher!

I'm sorry, sometimes posts get by me as this one did.

I believe you're referring to my experience where I had taken Skip-Boyinto the a/c bedroom with me one very hot and humid summer night. Hedied of a respiratory infection and although it could've been for anumber of reasons, I do think that it was quite unhealthy for him andmay have caused the problem or fast-forwarded it if he wasn't sick.

High heat is dangerous for rabbits, but so are extremes, cold included.I had put Skip-Boy in the room with me and had the a/c on high with thedoor to the bedroom closed. I needed covers myself. The sudden changefrom hot to cool is not healthy for rabbits. You have to be carefulthat the temperature remain somewhat steady or at least there's agradual increase or decrease in the thermometer.

A/C won't hurt the rabbit, extreme temperatures will. I do just finewith Tucker on severely hot and humid days by keeping him in a separateroom from the a/c, but opening the doors to the apt. so that the coolerair circulates in the apartment. I keep the shades pulled as wellbecause my apt. is very sunny. Of course you know that Jade & Jez'scage areas shouldn't be where the sun shines on them. I know you knowthat, but for others reading this, I thought I'd just throw it inthere. When it's just a hot day, I'll turn the fan on medium and haveit on the rotating feature and aim the breeze just under Tucker's cagewith a corner of his cage getting the breeze in case he feels he wantsit, he can go there and hang out.

Again, my apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

Some authorities consider 50-60 degrees F to bethe ideal temperature for rabbits, so cool temperatures are healthierthan warm. These same authorities suggest that 80-85 degreesF are problematical for rabbits and steps should be taken to make themmore comfortable.

So, as Carolyn suggested, I'd avoid extremes of temperature, but Idon't think it would harm your bun to be in an air conditionedenvironment

Thank you guys :)

Now that I have kept the a/c on continuously, but NOT on high-mybedroom one is on high though (door closed, I use covers at night-bestsleeeeeep ever!) but I appreciated your thoughtful and wise words ofwisdom since I was concerned over EXACTLY WHAT was consideredto be fluctuations (ya know, the worry worry, am I doing it rightthing??????) seems I was-so I am happy with that,and so are the girlsfor that matter :) Unfortunatley though the type of weather here nowdoes not allow for any type of breeze coming through, and the fans arejust blowing around HOT air (ewwwwwwww) hence the continual a/c.

Keep your fingers and toes crossed it breaks again.....(the weather that is..)
If you're concerned about temperaturefluctuations, I've read that a 20 degree rapid fluctuation is difficultfor buns to adjust to, whereas a slower acclimation is more easilyaccomplished.

What this translates to for me, for example, is that it is not a goodidea for me to bring my outside rabbits inside if the outside ambienttemperature is 40 degrees and the inside temperature is 60+ degreesF. It would probably do them no harm if I were to bring theminside for less than an hour; anything longer would mean their systemswould begin to adjust to the inside temperature and receive a shock, ifput outside again. The same principle would apply going fromoutside high temperatures to AC for more than an hour, then backoutside again into the heat. Basically, it is just goodcommon sense.

Buck ;)

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