Well-Known Member
After thinking wrongly that it would not be ahuge problem to care for my trio whenI started university, Irealised that we do not yet have a post with tips on how to work thingsout so you don't have to find the bunnies new homes due to lack of timebecause of school.
I've had real issues for the last 3 weeks trying to fit in cleaningcages, so I finally broke down and wrote up a schedule. I didn't putdown hours, I simply put the days of the week, and different sectionsfor each day -- assignments due, school work that should be worked onor at least looked over on certain days, TV shows (to allow a breakfrom some of the chaos of school work and chores), and other things todo on specific days. So far it's working great, I scheduled in 4 daysthat I can clean cages as well as days that I need to be outsidecleaning up the yard, etc. I'm amazed at how well the schedule relievesstress of everything piling up (I know some of you future collegestudents may think I'm nuts but when you get a heavy course load likemine, you'd be amazed at how important and helpfulit is). Sothat covers the cleaning the cage part.
Ialso solved the rabbits being lonely issue, at least for 2of them. I had bonded Mocha and Zoey (I got Zoey to be friends withMocha specifically) so that means that if I can't be outside everydayspending hours petting him, it's ok. (I still do overall health checksevery 2 days though.) That leaves most of my 'spare' time during theweek for Spice, and I've made sure to encourage my parents to spend asmuch time with him as possible which is working out great for themoment.
So far, that's all I've managed to figure out but I've only beenattempting to solve this for 3 weeks so it's a post in the making.Anyone else have tips on managing time and fitting their bunnies intotheir hectic lives? I'm sure others who have to contend with this inthe future or those who are struggling with it now will find tips andsuggestions to be very helpful, no matter how simple the suggestionseems.
I've had real issues for the last 3 weeks trying to fit in cleaningcages, so I finally broke down and wrote up a schedule. I didn't putdown hours, I simply put the days of the week, and different sectionsfor each day -- assignments due, school work that should be worked onor at least looked over on certain days, TV shows (to allow a breakfrom some of the chaos of school work and chores), and other things todo on specific days. So far it's working great, I scheduled in 4 daysthat I can clean cages as well as days that I need to be outsidecleaning up the yard, etc. I'm amazed at how well the schedule relievesstress of everything piling up (I know some of you future collegestudents may think I'm nuts but when you get a heavy course load likemine, you'd be amazed at how important and helpfulit is). Sothat covers the cleaning the cage part.
Ialso solved the rabbits being lonely issue, at least for 2of them. I had bonded Mocha and Zoey (I got Zoey to be friends withMocha specifically) so that means that if I can't be outside everydayspending hours petting him, it's ok. (I still do overall health checksevery 2 days though.) That leaves most of my 'spare' time during theweek for Spice, and I've made sure to encourage my parents to spend asmuch time with him as possible which is working out great for themoment.
So far, that's all I've managed to figure out but I've only beenattempting to solve this for 3 weeks so it's a post in the making.Anyone else have tips on managing time and fitting their bunnies intotheir hectic lives? I'm sure others who have to contend with this inthe future or those who are struggling with it now will find tips andsuggestions to be very helpful, no matter how simple the suggestionseems.