Surprise birthday present!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone, as you all know I lost my preciousbunbun only days ago! They didan autopsy to reveal that shehad died from the carpet she had ingested!Well today is mybirthday and I woke up to a beautiful lop eared little man sniffing myface!!I need a name for this little guy, can you guys give mesome suggestions?? He's a nice cinamon color very handsome:DIwill post some pictures soon!! I miss bunbun so much and i do realisethat i always will, no bunny compares to her !! I was sosurprised to have a bunny on my bed this morning what a lovely birthdaypresent!;)
I feel so much better for youLuna21!:DYour new bunny sounds so beautiful! Cinnamoncoloured lop...hmmm...what a beauty! I hope you can post some picturesof him up soon:)That would give me a better idea of what nameI can suggest. Maybe cinnamon bun?:plol, cause it has part of BunBunsname in it.:) your rabbit a boy or girl? What awonderful Birthday present! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:D

God bless BunBun...I'm sure he wishes you a happy birthday today!


Now for names!

Cadbury (the cadbury bunny)




Bean (one of my favorites)


Birt (the first four letters of Birthday)

Thank you for letting us know what the necropsy results were -- it's a good reminder that rabbits and carpet don't mix :(

I'm so glad to hear that you had a happy birthday and a new bunny to love.


Oh Luna21!

I'm so happy for you! I'm not surprised that it was the carpet that hadgotten your Bunbun, but at least you now know for sure.

I think I'll put up a reminder to folks about carpets and rabbits.

Can't wait to see your new little one. Although he'll never take theplace of Bunbun, he will have his own special place in your heart.Can't wait to see pictures and hear the name you choose for the littletyke. Pamnock had asked for requests to name her bunnies in a previouspost...probably on page 2 now. There were some great suggestions fromeveryone in that post. You might wish to take a look.

CONGRATULATIONS! You've been on my mind.

And Happy Happy Birthday, Doll!! :dude:

Thanks everyone!:DU guys are sosweet!!!! I can't wait to post pictures of the new baby I got! He's aboy and he's 1 month old! Im getting my carpet removed in myroom and replacing itwith hardwood flooring so thistradgedy never happens to anybun again!
One month? That's way too young for the baby to be taken away from it's mother!

But besides that, congrats.
I know he will never replace Bunbun, but I'mso happy for you! I can see how happy you are too, and howhe's a balm on your heart.

I can't wait to see pictures!
Congratulations Luna on your newestaddition.With so many animals needing loving homes I ampositive that bunbun is happy you have another bun to love. I hope thisnew bunny has helped to make your Birthday an extra special one.

Fergi's mom
Congratulations on the new bunny and HappyBirthday! As far as names? It's hard without being able to see him. Ido like Cassandra's idea of "Cinnamon bun" but I think I'd shorten itto just "Cinnabun". Can't wait to see his pictures! Onceagain Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! :DAnd what agreat birthday present you got. A new bunny is a great thingto wake up to:). I can't think of names right now.Maybe thepictures will help.
Luna, I am glad you know what happened, but sorry for the loss.

It is a good reminder for all of us. I know another personwho had a bunny get sick from carpet. I will watch Bo evenmore carefully when he's in the carpet room.

Happy Birthday again! Give the new baby a nice big kiss on the nose from me :)
Congrats :)

What a wonderful surprise it must of been to wake up too-

Happy Belated B.Day to you BOTH!!



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